Posts Tagged ‘Christian Living’

Practical Applications from Pilgrim’s Progress

Friday, August 14th, 2015


As my children and I listened to Pilgrim’s Progress on audio, we made some observations that apply to our modern Christian lives:

Pilgrim’s Progress: Observation #1

Christian felt a huge burden and was groaning under sorrow of soul. He knew that his city was headed for destruction, but instead of people listening to him, they dismissed what he said.

Pilgrim’s Progress: Observation #2

You may sink into Despondency if you take your eyes off the Light.

Pilgrim’s Progress: Observation #3

To get rid of the consciousness of sin, you can either go to God in repentance, or you can listen to human reasoning (called Worldly Wise), which will sear your conscience to make you feel better about your sin without dealing with it.


Pilgrim’s Progress: Observation #4

The giants in your life aren’t real. Trust that God’s Word is true, and you will overcome.

Pilgrim’s Progress: Observation #5

Sloth and other pilgrims were asleep and didn’t realize their danger. They refused to get up and move forward in their Christian life. No amount of reasoning would cause them to pursue the right Way because they already decided that it was too hard.

Pilgrim’s Progress: Observation #6

To fail one test in your life is to make more difficult the next test.

Pilgrim’s Progress: Observation #7

How to overcome sin: as soon as you’re conscious of it, turn away from it immediately!

Pilgrim’s Progress: Observation #8

If you refuse to repent of a tiny sin, it will become bigger. The tiny sin is already big because you are choosing it instead of Christ. If you didn’t love your tiny sin more than Christ, you would have repented of it.

Pilgrim’s Progress: Observation #9

Pilgrims do not have armor on their backs. If they do not stand their ground, they will be defeated.

Pilgrim’s Progress: Observation #10

When fighting the Dragon, Christian became weaker and weaker because of his wounds. The Sword of the Spirit was helpful at the last minute when he thought he could fight no more, and he gave the Dragon a  mortal blow with Scripture. The Dragon fled.


Pilgrim’s Progress: Observation #11

A wicked voice came up behind Christian, whispering suggestions in his ear, which he thought proceeded from his own mind. This tormented poor Christian and worried him more than anything he had met with before.

Pilgrim’s Progress: Observation #12

A Talkative man loves to answer doctrinal questions, but if his knowledge of Scripture is not accompanied by action, it is useless. He is unteachable because he knows more about Scripture than others, so all he wants to do is talk. He leads many to stumble as they only look at the Scriptures as information.

Pilgrim’s Progress: Observation #13

If a man considers a sin profitable to himself and harmless to others, he will not give it up, even if he is offending God.

Pilgrim’s Progress: Observation #14

Money-love made it seem godly to devote one’s life to making money because he would be a good steward to enjoy what God had given him. Christian pointed out that silver weighs you down and prevents you from running the race. Money-love would not listen but had many worldly excuses for pursuing money.


Pilgrim’s Progress: Observation #15

The Master sent people two by two so that they could be an encouragement to each other and keep each other from deception.

Pilgrim’s Progress: Observation #16

The longer they were in Doubt, the more their discouragement increased and deepened. As soon as the Light shone on their cell, the giant called Despair had to leave. Despair hates the Light.

Hopefully these practical applications of Pilgrim’s Progress will help you in your personal walk with the Lord. My children and I enjoyed studying this book, and we were relieved when Christian finally reached the Celestial City!

The Power of Uniting in Prayer

Wednesday, August 5th, 2015

the-power-of-uniting-in prayer

Even though our individual prayers matter to God and form the basis of our personal relationship with Him, God also wants us to pray with other believers, loving them and lifting their burdens. He wants us to humble ourselves to other believers so that they can pray for us (James 5:16). Often there is a demonic component that we are not even aware of, or a sin (that we are blind to) has a grip on us that we don’t fully comprehend. That grip is expelled and dissolved when it is verbalized to another human being who will pray for us.

Satan knows this to be true and tells us that we cannot tell anybody about what we are struggling with because it’s too personal. I have found that the more personal it is, the more likely that others are struggling with a similar issue. Being humble also helps other people to share their own struggles, even if the struggles are completely different. This is especially true if people see a believer set free and transformed as a result of other people praying for them. Everyone needs victory in their Christian lives, and God has purposely made it impossible to walk in complete victory without interacting with other members in the body of Christ to bring about maturity (Ephesians 4:13).

We have power in uniting in prayer as believers.

The number one thing that Satan attacks in the church is unity. He causes factions, dissensions, disunity—so that he separates us—so that we cannot combine together in the body of Christ to move forward in the will of God. If he can destroy the unity in the church, he destroys the church because it is powerless. Satan renders the church impotent when we allow him to set us at odds with each other, allowing our minds to entertain negative thoughts about any other person. This is our downfall.

What causes strife among you? (James 4:1-3) Is it not because you want to be well-respected? We need to be humble as we serve rather than wanting ourselves to be elevated. It’s so easy for the enemy to come in and make you feel like you’ve been slighted by somebody, or you take something wrong that somebody has said to you. The enemy will twist the truth, and then that thought will eat away at you like a cancer, causing division in the body of Christ. It corrupts the church from the inside out. The dissensions we hold against each other are the fruit of the flesh, not the fruit of the Spirit. You can see the fruit of the flesh in Galatians 5:19-21.

In the same way that unity is vital in a marriage for a marriage to function properly—so it is for believers in the body of Christ to be unified in order to function the way God designed us to function.

What makes prayer so powerful when we unite together in prayer for a specific cause? How is this achieved? How can believers have one essence?

In John 17:21, Jesus cried out to God for the unity of believers. “Make them one, even as You and I are one”–this is one of the most shocking Scriptures I have ever read. God the Father and God the Son are one essence. For believers in the body of Christ to be one essence like that just blows my mind! And yet I’ve experienced this unity several times while praying with other believers.

How do you achieve this? The closer you are to Christ, the more unity you will have because Christ is one. Different believers who are right with God (with no unconfessed sin) can combine in the Spirit and pray full blast with 100% of their beings. At that point—Boom! The Spirit of the Lord shows up in mighty measure and moves in phenomenal ways. You have one mind, one heart, one purpose (Philippians 2). The Spirit of God is present so tangibly when this happens. We all draw close to the heart of God, discover God’s will for us, and ask God to bring to fulfillment His will.

We are not imposing our own will onto God; instead, it’s the reverse. Know God. As you pursue Him full-tilt, He will reveal His will for you, and you obey and pray in line with God’s will to fulfill what He has asked of you.

Several times (which I describe in the audio below), I have had one essence with a small group of women as we prostrated ourselves in the dust before the Lord. We could each hear the heart of God because of deep prayer in our personal lives, since we had spent tons and tons of time on our faces before the Lord in private. So all of our hearts were one before we even met. Then when we began praying—Boom! God showed up from the very beginning because we already all could hear the heartbeat of God and were asking the right things of God. God changes the way we pray, the closer we are to Him, because His requests become our requests, and then He moves mightily to complete what His will already was.

All prayer and all the desire of our hearts should be about God being glorified. God will not use you (and you cannot pray this way) unless you understand that you are nothing (Galatians 6:3). To be full of the Spirit, you need to be empty of yourself—your own agenda, your own selfishness. His will in you is way better than your own will. God is looking for people to share His heart with, so that we will pray according to His will.

Here is the audio that describes how uniting in prayer with other believers can be powerful. (To download, right click “Save as” and choose “Desktop”):

Also, I’ve started a series of short prayer videos on my prayer page.

Are Most Americans Superficial?

Friday, July 24th, 2015


At the risk of ticking off this whole country, I am going to address this issue head-on, from the point of view of a missionary kid—a person who grew up outside of the U.S. but then returned to the U.S to live as an adult.

Before answering this question: “Are most Americans superficial?”– I would like to clear the air and say that some of my closest friends are Americans, and they are not superficial. Those I relate to the most are people who have gone through suffering in their lives and have a real walk with God. These are the exception to the rule, and I married one of them.

I recently offended someone on my Missionary Kid Page when I said that missionary kids that return to the United States are shocked at how superficial Americans are. The Missionary Kid page exists to show how missionary kids perceive the world, not how other people perceive the world. Missionary kids don’t care about being politically correct. Our world view is opposite to most Americans. We’ve never truly belonged to any nation, so there is no reason to pander to anybody.

I have listened to thousands of missionary kids over the years, and here are the real reasons why we perceive Americans as being superficial:

1. Most Americans care about and pursue trivial things.

They love to talk about TV shows, sports, celebrities, and other topics that have no substance. After living in a third-world country my whole life, I perceived that part of the reason is that Americans are pampered because they have way more money than they need to survive. If they don’t, they use their charge cards to pursue the frivolous pampering that they “deserve.”

People in third-world countries are concerned about survival. When you are surrounded by suffering, your conversations are different. The conversations are more relational and less about trivia.

2. The U.S. educational system has churned out brainwashed, mindless idiots.

Ask any random American walking down the street basic information about any topic, and they just don’t know and don’t care. All they want is to be entertained and to stare down at their cell phones, snapping selfies to post to Facebook.

The reading level of this nation has been dumbed down so much that what was previously considered 5th grade reading is now college level. The majority of Americans do not read in their spare time—they watch TV for tens of thousands of hours, which brings us to the next point.

3. Whoever controls the media controls the minds of the U.S. population.

The morals of our nation are eroded as we watch sin and practice sinning over and over in our minds. Pretty soon we are actually committing the sin because we have been de-sensitized to it. Even if we don’t practice the sin ourselves, we allow the sin in the lives of the people around us because it’s so normal to us now.

We can’t perceive the heart of God on major issues because our hearts are so calloused to God because of the media.

The media is controlled by the world. We are told in Scripture to not be a part of the world, but instead we have morphed into the world. American Christians ARE the world.

The U.S. population is like a huge mob. The media can actually CAUSE riots and other problems by brainwashing people to believe lies. Then everyone is in an emotional frenzy, and if you stand against the emotional mob, you risk being killed. That’s because they no longer can think clearly.

That’s just it. Most Americans can’t think independently. Whether they are afraid of public opinion, or whether they have just been told their whole lives by their teachers and the media what the right answer is, who knows?

4. The American church is in a babyish catatonic state.

When talking about the deeper things of the Lord, very few people even understand what we are saying. Their eyes gloss over, and they would rather talk about fashion or what they are doing on Friday. The majority of American Christians do not pursue holiness—they even say that pursuing holiness is a sin because everyone is imperfect. Even if they have unrepented sins, you have to look the other way and not tell them that what they are doing is causing their misery.

I have never been in a third-world church where the native Christians were so apathetic about the things of God. True delight comes from pursuing God full-tilt. I guess if you’re poor, you have less to lose when you give up your life to gain Christ.

So I ask you, do you sense that most Americans are superficial? Does it disturb you? When you mention it, do people get offended and stomp off, like the woman on my Missionary Kid Page?

When Will Dawn Break?

Friday, April 3rd, 2015


How long, O Lord?
Don’t hide Yourself in times of trouble
Answer the cry of my soul
For I seek You with all my heart

In silent darkness
Night drags on
Pain lurks in the shadows
Will there be light?

Trials come in waves
Over my pounded soul
Crushing unseen dross
Until I’m stripped of all

Waiting in silence
Reaching to heaven
Hear me when I call
Will it always be night?

When will dawn break?
Then You will transform sorrow
As if by crushing metamorphosis
To soaring new joy