Dropping off Bryan at college a couple of weeks ago was more emotional for me than I thought it would be. I kept thinking of more things that were vital in life that I hadn’t mentioned yet. My mind was working overtime in trying to think of anything he might encounter and how to navigate it smoothly.
Like “always check your pockets before doing laundry. If there is a tissue, it will explode all over your laundry in the washing machine like sticky confetti and is very hard to get off.” There were a bazillion things like this that were racing through my head, including relationship advice.
It’s almost like you’re on your deathbed and you only have a few remaining words before you die. You want to make them count because that’s what will be remembered. So I told Bryan that he was a man of honesty and integrity, and that I was so proud of him. Then I tried really hard not to burst into tears.
His dorm room was simple but modern. When we met his roommate, we found out he was an outgoing homeschooler. All the faculty and students seemed friendly. We found three students singing a Veggie Tales song in the common room, which included a ping-pong table.
Couches and a stone fireplace were also included in the common room, which you can partially see in the family picture at the bottom of this post. I played ping-pong with Alan while the kids played other games.
Corban University has many stairs to climb throughout the day, so it’s impossible for someone to live here without getting into shape. My son’s dorm is the closest one to the huge building with classrooms and the library. The cafeteria is at the bottom of the mountain. I didn’t count how many stairs are on campus, but there are many, many stairs.
This is the gym, where there was a fair with booths including all the different activities available on campus. My daughter and I liked the theater booth the best because there was a sword, a lantern, and a costume.
When we hugged good-bye, there were no tears because I was glad to leave him at such a great Christian school. The faculty had more than proven themselves through all the workshops and casual conversations we had with them throughout the two-day welcome. The food from the cafeteria was fresh and full of variety. It’s one of my son’s favorite things about college.
Though it was an emotional time for me, it was good. The entire family got to see where Bryan would be going to school, where he would be sleeping, and what his life would be like in the coming year. This will help as we pray for him, that God will make him into the man that He desires him to be in the upcoming years of study.