Posts Tagged ‘organizing’

How to Organize Recipes

Monday, December 29th, 2014


In this video, I show you how to organize recipes: the demonstration includes binders, boxes, and some of my favorite children’s cookbooks. My daughter loves to cook and wants to start her own recipe collection.

If your recipe cards are jammed and you can’t pull out a card without pulling out a whole section of cards, it’s time to re-organize your recipes. One way you can do this is to get a specially designed recipe binder that is similar to a photo album, but it has dividers for breads, meats, desserts, and other common categories you would find in a cookbook. You can get these recipe binders in most book stores or online.


If you are low on money and want to create your own binder, all you need is a three-ring binder and some plastic sheet protectors. The thing I love about this way of organizing recipes is that you can tear out a recipe page from your favorite magazine and slide the whole page into the sheet protector. You might want to have a recipe binder like this in addition to your recipe box or whatever other method you use for organizing your recipes.

I showed you some of my favorite children’s cookbooks in the video, and the reason I love these cookbooks is that they are addressed to children and easy for children to use. If you can get your children to enjoy cooking at a young age, you will be instilling skills that will help them to survive for the rest of their lives!

If you enjoyed this video on how to organize recipes, you will love Organizing for a Fun Homeschool.
