While we were in Petén near Tikal, my family went on a tour of Flores in Guatemala. It is a quaint town with cobbled streets and narrow passageways. The houses are brightly colored and make you feel like you are in a European town.
A Spanish-style church is situated in the middle of the island. It rises up out of the town if you see it from a distance, like when we went on a boat to Petencito to see the animals at a small zoo. I don’t have many pictures in the video tour of Flores because there was a downpour of rain the moment we paid to get into the zoo. As soon as we started filming the rain, it slowed down considerably and no longer looked like a monsoon:
There must have been some sort of celebration because festive flags hung across one of the streets:
We went on a tuc-cuc ride around the beautiful town. I found out that the tuc-tuc driver was a member of a small church of 75 people. (The driver of the boat to Petencito was also a Christian, and we talked about God while standing in the rain at the zoo, trying to see the animals that were hiding.)
Here is the best view of Flores, while approaching it from the boat coming back from Petencito:
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