Posts Tagged ‘spiritual warfare’

Unmasking the Enemy Series

Friday, January 6th, 2017


This month I’m starting a new video series called “Unmasking the Enemy,” where I will be exposing the devices of Satan against believers and showing you how to overcome each device. We need to unmask the lies of the enemy so that we do not fall into his traps. Instead, our birthright as sons and daughters of God is to triumph over the enemy with compete victory. Educate yourself to overcome the enemy, or you will be ensnared by him.

You also want to be aware of how the enemy works to help other Christians, that “they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will.” 2 Timothy 2:26 ESV

In war, you are supposed to study the enemy so that you can have victory over him. You find out his tactics and strategies so that you do not stumble into his traps. If you insist on NOT studying the tactics of your opponent, you will easily fall into his snares because demons have been around for thousands of years and they are much smarter than you are. So many Christians insist on staying ignorant, and they do not realize that desiring to stay ignorant is itself a scheme of the enemy!

We are commanded to be vigilant: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8 KJV

Over the next seven weeks, I will be doing a series where I will unmask the tactics of the enemy so that we can overcome him.

Unmasking the Enemy Series

  1. Authority Over the Enemy
  2. Satan’s Strategy #1: Deception
  3. Satan’s Strategy #2: Accusation
  4. Satan’s Strategy #3: Temptation
  5. Satan’s Strategy #4: Control
  6. How to Resist the Enemy’s Attacks
  7. Take Up the Full Armor of God

Christians must be aware of Satan’s strategies “so that no advantage would be taken of us by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his schemes.” 2 Corinthians 2:11 NASB

Stay tuned for the first installment: “Authority Over the Enemy.” If you don’t want to miss this series, follow my Prayer page and subscribe to my monthly newsletter below.

Smooth Words Don’t Mean You’re Walking by the Spirit

Thursday, March 19th, 2015


Who speaks smooth words? Politicians and car salesmen. Who speaks real words, even if they offend? Spurgeon and Jesus are two that come to mind. Jesus called people names. He did not use smooth words. Spurgeon was also told many times to change the way he talked because it was offending people. Yet somehow in Christianity, people who naturally speak in a smooth, inoffensive way tell real people that they are sinning in the way they speak.

I’m not talking about being rude. Love is not rude. I’m talking about twisting a normal sentence that is inoffensive into a huge insult that was never intended. Satan pits believers against each other by giving them poison glasses. They look through those poison glasses to a person who is real, and they take offense where no offense exists. They assume the godly person is evil, so what they say will be twisted no matter what.

There is a time to speak up and be harsh, and it’s usually when people in positions of power in Christian circles are being used by the enemy to hinder God’s work.

That is the time that even the Son of God called people names. Yes, He insulted the people who were hindering God’s work.

I have seen it so many times. The godly person is called to a meeting with people in Christian authority who have already believed the lies from the enemy. They might even have deep-seated bitterness against that person. During the meeting, they whip that godly person to death. They do not let that godly person call forth any witnesses who would reveal the truth. Even when the truth is mentioned, their ears are plugged and they will hear no more of it.

“His speech was smooth as butter, yet war was in his heart; his words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords.” Psalm 55:21 ESV

Christian, if you are being wounded for the cause of Christ, when you have spent every drop of your being in faithful service to your Master, you do not have to go to a meeting where you will be killed by people’s words. You do not have to go there alone. You do not have to go there at all. God will strengthen and uphold you. God will defend you, if not on this earth, then in the world to come.

Don’t let the evil one stop you from using your spiritual gifts. Don’t let him hurt you by turning back on your head every harmless word that has been used against you. Don’t slink down in defeat for the rest of your life.

Find some believers who are walking by the Spirit who will walk in unity through prayer, and begin everything that you do for God in prayer. Ask Him if you are to lead a certain event or activity, and if the Lord is behind it, He will carry you and provide for you despite all the opposition. Because the Lord rules on high, and His designs will not be thwarted. Walk in confidence if you have committed your ways before Him, and He will direct your steps.

Spiritual Warfare

Thursday, September 1st, 2011


Before I said good-bye for the summer, I had one last interview online. Beth Jones interviewed me about the chapter I wrote for her book about spiritual warfare, The Hands of a Woman: Everyday Women in Everyday Battles. To be honest, I was so exhausted by this point due to a long and agonizing trial that I didn’t even prepare for what I would say. This is the first time I’ve gone online live without having a thoroughly prepared outline. I cried out to God the day before the interview, and I jotted down two things about the trial that was just coming to an end in my life. Other than those scribbles, since the entire talk was supposed to be an interview anyway, I just told her to ask me about prayer, since that’s one topic I have a passion for.

I dedicated the show to God, like I always do before workshops, and asked for Him to help me say what He wanted me to say. The interview lasted a full hour, and Beth Jones asked me some unexpected questions that I was only too happy to answer. It was the most relaxing interview I’ve ever had in my life, and some strong truths about spiritual warfare came out:

  1. The enemy can plant thoughts into our minds, and these thoughts come to us in the form of an “I” statement so that we think that it’s coming from our own thoughts. Thoughts of suicide, for example, come from the enemy who wants to destroy us.
  2. If we call upon God through prayer in the name of Jesus, incredible things can happen. I share a personal experience about this during this interview.
  3. Don’t focus your mind on the demonic. Talking about the demonic only leads to fear which is not from God. Instead, focus your mind on Christ.
  4. Hormones sometimes cause women to be emotional about things, and if they stew about certain situations, the truth becomes distorted and is no longer the truth. Satan is the distorter of truth, and he loves it when women do this, because it causes strife.
  5. Despair is another tactic from the enemy to incapacitate Christians to make them unproductive for the kingdom of God.
  6. Satan uses logic to convince us to do something contrary to the will of God. For example, suicidal people believe that the world would be better without them, and that they are doing a good thing to rid the world of themselves. In the chapter I wrote for this book, I share another time when Satan used logic to drive me nearly to insanity, although I do not share this in the interview itself.
  7. Use Scripture to combat the enemy.
  8. We shoot our own wounded in the church. We attack each other as brothers and sisters in Christ instead of drawing closer to God. This is one of the primary tactics of the enemy to incapacitate the church and destroy it.
  9. If we don’t plug into other people in the church, we cannot function in the body of Christ, and our spiritual growth will be stunted. So many people use logic or excuses to stay away from the church (or leave immediately after the service without connecting to anyone) because they’ve been burned. This is exactly where Satan wants us.
  10. Satan sees the people who are effective, who are actively ministering in the church, and strategically takes those people out. He will do anything to incapacitate those people.
  11. Pride is rotten. If you become good at your spiritual gift, you will be tempted to become prideful (because people are praising you right and left). The pride will cause you to stop relying on God, and you will rely on your own cleverness and become less effective for God’s kingdom. Pride is definitely from the enemy, since that’s how he fell with a third of the angels following him. Satan was thrown down from heaven because of pride. Pride is the core of all evil and is the root of all sin in the church.
  12. Prayer is one discipline that the enemy will do anything is his power to distract you from, because he knows how effective prayer is.
  13. Being quiet during prayer to listen to God, especially when you’ve asked Him a question, is one way to walk powerfully by the Spirit and know what His will is.
  14. Actively getting rid of sin in your life will also make you more effective. Satan wants us to think that we are stuck in our sin and can’t ever get out, but that is a lie. The entire Christian life is miraculous, an inward transformation into the image of God. To assume that you can’t break out of a habit just because “it’s part of your personality” is a deception that the enemy wants you to believe.
  15. Satan leads us to believe that we won’t have problems if we are Christians, that life is not supposed to be hard. But the truth is that life is actually harder for Christians (except for the presence of God who helps us through it), because transformation into the image of Christ involves pain. There’s no way around it. Scripture says that we will have tribulations in this life.
  16. Apathy is another tactic the enemy uses to cause us to be ineffective. If we are lukewarm in our walk with God, He will spew us out of His mouth. God would rather we be cold (or against Him) than to be apathetic, which gives God a bad name.

I invite you to listen to the interview: (To download audio, right click “Save as,” and choose “Desktop.”)

Spiritual Warfare Interview