Tintagel and King Arthur


In a land of cliffs and turquoise waters, at the edge of a land called England, there once lived a king, a magnificent king who had a round table. That king’s name was King Arthur…

tintagel-gateFor anyone who loves the medieval time period, or for anyone who loves literature, I would recommend visiting Tintagel in the southwestern part of England. Yes, I know King Arthur was just a legend, but many legends are based on fact and exaggerated over time, so King Arthur could have actually existed.

Even though this castle is a complete ruin with no real walls, the legend that King Arthur lived there makes it magical. At least one doorway still stands, but mostly you will see something that resembles a floor plan of a castle, barely in 3D because most of the walls are a foot or two high.

Green, grassy cliffs hang over the turquoise waters of the ocean. The waves crash against the black rocks, and caves run along the ocean shore. In the town of Tintagel, you can go to a museum where the legend of King Arthur comes to life. Of course, all the items are based on the books, so they are not reality. But for the literature lover, Tintagel is a fun place to visit.


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