Bahamas Trip (Part 1): Hurricane Season


I had always wanted to go to the Bahamas on my honeymoon. It was one of those exotic vacations you dream about when you’re a young girl. My real honeymoon turned out a lot sadder than anticipated, but at least I was grateful to God for giving me a wonderful, godly husband.

Our entire marriage we have been broke. To go on a sweet vacation with my husband seemed out of the question. But then last summer, after the worst year of my husband’s life, God supernaturally made it happen. God is so good and gives us unexpected gifts when we need them the most.

I won’t go into why the year was so rough on my husband, but needless to say his worst nightmares came true, bringing pain from the past to the present. But God brought us through it. We somehow got to the other side of the pain, when time has dulled the memory of things that should have never happened. God has given us the grace to forgive and to move on.

But both my husband and I were nearly incapacitated. We were both burned out from so much emotional turmoil. We were going through the motions of life without actually living it. I decided to take the summer off from my blog, and I begged God to help me resuscitate my husband so that he would look alive again because he had a resigned look in his eyes. He sort of looked dead to me.

I got it in my head that I wanted to take him to the Bahamas, but that was a ridiculous pipe dream. We didn’t have money for such nonsense. Then lo and behold, we got a check in the mail from a distant relative. A large check. I had sent her a copy of my missionary kid book, and she was impressed that I was an author, and she wanted to support me.

After researching for quite a while, I found a ridiculously low price on a cruise, less than half of what it would normally cost. Little did I know that the reason for the cost discrepancy was that it was the worst week for hurricane season in the Bahamas. No refunds would be given if you threw up the entire time, being tossed to and fro on the ship.

But ignorance is bliss, and I had no idea it was hurricane season. So I booked the cruise for its rock bottom price. Then we were looking for plane tickets, and right when my husband was about to book the plane tickets online, I was on my knees beside the computer, praying that the prices would go down. While I was still praying, the prices dropped by $100 each. My husband booked them.

It all happened so quickly just a couple of weeks before the trip, and everything was falling into place…

(Stay tuned for part 2, where God provided a wardrobe for my Bahamas trip, straight out of my dreams for almost no money at all…)

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8 Responses to “Bahamas Trip (Part 1): Hurricane Season”

  1. Erik says:

    Can’t wait to hear how it went even though it was during the worst week of hurricane season. Keep us updated!

  2. sounds like something wonderful happened!! xoxo

  3. Emily says:

    What a cool story. I love these reminders that God is watching and waiting to lift us up when we’re going through the worst of times. I also love the reminder that He’ll often show up and show off in ways that we can’t even dream… like making a way for a much-needed getaway.

  4. Megan says:

    I love all the little ways God provides. Great story! Excited to hear part 2.

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