Creative Ways to Use Cookie Cutters #1: Fruit Shapes


I’m starting a blog series called, “Creative Ways to Use Cookie Cutters.” The first way to use a cookie cutter in an unusual way is to cut fruit into the shape of the cookie cutter. If it’s winter, cut the fruit into snowflakes or gingerbread (fruit) men. If it’s autumn, cut the fruit into a maple leaf shape. If it’s spring or summer, use a flower cookie cutter.

When cutting melon, you need to cut from the side to get a piece flat enough to shove the cookie cutter through. Don’t just cut the melon like you normally would, or the melon will be curved and will look like a lousy wilted flower instead of a cheerful flower that’s not about to die.

I obviously cut the grapes in half for the center of the flowers; otherwise the silly grapes would have rolled off the flowers. I’ve seen flower stores selling fruit flowers stabbed into bamboo skewers, making a gorgeous edible bouquet. You can make these fruit flowers as fancy as you want.

Stay tuned for “Creative Ways to Use Cookie Cutters #2.” Hint: You can’t eat this one; it’s made out of two kinds of paper.

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12 Responses to “Creative Ways to Use Cookie Cutters #1: Fruit Shapes”

  1. As a homeschooling mom of three, two on the autism spectrum, I know that any hints I can get while I build my coaching business (I teach dating, social skills and relationship skills) is a blessing! And my kids love fruit – so will try your ideas! Thank you for sharing.

    • Susan says:

      It sounds like you have your hands full, trying to homeschool and run a home business. These fruit flowers weren’t very hard to make, and your kids will be impressed and cheer when you bring them into the dining room.

  2. Dina Dove says:

    This is great information for crafty people and those wanting to do crafts. Thanks so much.

  3. Chef William says:

    Looking forward to more blog posts using cookie cutters, I have found that this is a good way to get the children to eat their fruit and vegetables. I also use them when making a show piece for a private party.

    • Susan says:

      I bet your edible show pieces are beautiful! They are like ice sculptures, except that they’re with fruit. I’ve seen a watermelon in the shape of a baby carriage for a baby shower, for example.

  4. Debbie says:

    What a wonderful idea. Now we can use our cutters more then once a year.

  5. Thanks for sharing this post with us. You can use cookie cutters for different shapes and sizes and also for other purposes like in activities of art and crafts.

  6. Pat says:

    Love this idea, Susan! And with spring and fresh fruit just around the corner… 😉

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