My kids drew a Hebrews Hall of Faith to commemorate the men and women of faith mentioned in Hebrews 11. I came up with the idea of a hallway full of portraits. When my children chose a character from Hebrews 11 to draw, they needed to have something in the picture to demonstrate that character. For example, Abraham had a walking staff and had a wilderness behind him to signify that God called him out of the land of Ur to the Promised Land, even though he didn’t know where he was going.
Sarah received the ability to conceive because she believed God. Of course, she laughed and was incredulous at first, but for some reason she is mentioned in the Great Hall of Faith. That is because she had a deep faith in God. We never see her stopping Abraham from obeying God.
Abel offered a better sacrifice than Cain, knowing that the wages of sin was death. God told Cain to do what was right, and that sin was crouching at his door, but Cain killed his brother after being warned by God that his actions had been wrong. Abel had a stronger knowledge of God.
Enoch never had to die. At age 365, he was taken straight up into heaven in a similar way that Jesus will take us up into heaven during the rapture, if we are still here. Super cool not to have to die physically before being with Christ.
Noah believed that God would send a flood even though there had never been rain before. He built an ark out of obedience to God because he had faith.
Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph were mentioned as having great faith, and they were the founders of the Jewish nation. Moses followed God rather than enjoy the riches of Egypt. Instead, he led the Israelites out of Egypt after witnessing the greatest display of plagues the world had ever seen.
By faith Rahab trusted in the Lord and ended up being saved because the spies protected her family after she hid them. She knew that the Lord was God, and she became a Jew and lived among the Jews for the rest of her life as a result.
Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and the prophets are also mentioned, along with many tortures that God’s people have had to endure throughout the ages. Faith enables you to see what matters and allows you to be controlled by the Holy Spirit so that impossible circumstances can be endured. Christians through the ages have known and understood what faith is, and if we belong to Christ, we will be pleasantly surprised in heaven when we see the things that we did by faith.
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If you enjoyed these drawings of the Hebrews Hall of Faith, you will love the entire series of 31 Days of Drawing through the Bible.
Tags: Bible, drawing, faith, Hebrews, New Testament
I love the drawings. A great visual for the kids, and a great way for all of us to remember the names mentioned in Hebrews
I think the kids did a great job with the perspective of the hallway!