LEGO Castle


My 11-year-old son Nathaniel built a castle out of regular LEGOs. You really don’t need to get an expensive castle kit; if you have regular LEGO bricks, you can build a LEGO castle of any shape and size as you study the Middle Ages.


Start with a green base. Find all the white LEGO pieces and dump them in a pile so that you don’t have to keep looking for more pieces while you build. Decide what shape you want the castle to be, and outline it on the LEGO base. Make sure you leave space for the entrance. For our castle, we have four castle keeps, one at each corner.


Start building up the walls, interlocking the LEGOs and staggering them so that the structure is sound. If you put a LEGO brick connecting two LEGO bricks, the structure is less likely to break apart. You can insert a design on the front with a different color, either in a shield shape or any other shape. The entrance can be made either as a rectangle or an arch. My son decided to make an arch with pillars on either side.


Keep building up the structure until you run out of white LEGOs. Then enjoy your LEGO castle!

For more hands-on activities for the Middle Ages, take a look at my Medieval Unit Study Pinterest board.


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9 Responses to “LEGO Castle”

  1. Diane (UK) says:

    Thanks for this, Susan. I was looking for ideas for building (or buying) a castle for my daughter’s My Little Pony figures, when I came across your blog. Our Lego collection was lying forgotten in boxes under her bed. You’ve saved me a fortune and my daughter is now rediscovering the joy of Lego 🙂

  2. Bobbie Adams says:

    I am a 13 year old and i LOVE building with legos and I LOVE ur ideas

  3. It is a nice idea but the castel is al little bit unstable and you did not finished it! I just built it with more edges so i could connect all of it. In taht way it would be more stable. But thank you for the cool idea!!!

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