Nostalgia from a 1950’s Diner


Recently my dad has been in and out of the emergency room as he is getting blood clots, has difficulty breathing, and is fighting cancer. He’s at home now, although weak. When I was sitting in the hospital room, watching him sleep, I had plenty of time to think back over all the years I’ve known him, special memories of growing up. One of those memories was my dad getting out his 1950’s records, blasting the tunes while my sisters and I danced all silly and slid across the floor in our woolen slippers. It still makes me smile.

So when I came across these pictures of my husband and I with our children in a 1950’s malt shop in Spokane, I stopped and thought about why the 1950’s meant so much to me, even though it was long before I was born. It meant a lot to me because it meant a lot to my dad.


I remember back when I lived in California, I took my dad to a fun 1950’s malt shop where we were able to experience the ambiance of my dad’s favorite decade, from 1950’s music to the decor to the flavors of the food. His face lit up with joy because he was transported back in time.


My dad looked so happy, sitting in the booth with me, eating his burger and fries with a malt. He was quite emotional. It was like going back to your grandma’s house after many decades, breathing in the familiar environment where so many happy memories were made. The aroma of my own grandma’s house would always transport me back to childhood, and I felt young and free again, with the whole world opening up before me, full of endless possibilities.


Now I sit looking at these photographs of my own husband and kids, enjoying a modern history field trip where we were able to experience the 1950’s as if we had lived through that time period for real.

Some day my own kids will look back on their own memories of their parents blasting through the house our favorite decade music–the 1980’s. My own kids have a love for 1980’s music because it was played the same way my dad played his music, with joy and nostalgia.

To see the 1950’s birthday party I threw my dad several years ago (including pictures of my jukebox cake and poodle skirt), click here.

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12 Responses to “Nostalgia from a 1950’s Diner”

  1. Yaa Attobrah says:

    Awww memories are all what life is all about. I am glad you were able to give your dad this treat. We all get tranported now and again to our childhood; I tend to ask, “wow how the time has flown by.” The beauty of family and shared memories. Blessings, Susan!

    • Susan says:

      It’s fun to build memories that tie the whole family together, especially when you can all be goofy. It’s good for family bonding. I remember my own childhood as if it was just yesterday because of all the good times we had.

  2. DONNA MILLER says:

    I love your posts about your family. So incredibly sweet. You are leaving a legacy for your children that they will always hold close to their hearts! ❤

    • Susan says:

      The strawberry malt I had was delicious! The kids always love themed places, especially when they are in different time periods. We had a good time.

  3. Maryann says:

    This is really great to share memories of your childhood while creating new ones with your own children. It creates a common thread throughout the generations. Thank you for sharing your story.

  4. Leah says:

    This is how I feel about the Eighties. My stepmother was born in 1965 but my dad grew up in the Eighties however (he was born in the seventies). He was only eleven when the decade changed while she was a lot older. So even though I was only born in the late nineties I know a lot about that decade as they told me. I once did a unit study on the decade as a child when I was nine years old. I had to make a factfile. I’m a noughties child really. And my baby will grow up in the current decade. She is almost four months old now.

  5. Brenda says:

    Love the story and pics of your family. Miss that time when my kiddos were young and we were homeschooling.

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