Bible Notebook

August 5th, 2016


Today I will show you how to put together a Bible notebook with your children. These notebooks are great for homeschooling your children for Bible class. You can also use these binders for Sunday School or for any other purpose, such as a personal Bible notebook for you as a parent.

Video Demonstration of our Bible Notebooks

Here is a video demonstration where I show you what we included in our Bible notebooks:

Sections to Include in a Bible Notebook


We divided the notebook into seven sections:

  1. Scripture memory: Print out the Scriptures that you want your children to memorize. You can use their AWANA verses from church, or have them memorize a verse to overcome specific sin in their lives. Psalm 23 and the Lord’s prayer are good places to start.
  2. Narrations: These are summaries of different stories from the Bible. Your child re-tells the story, trying to remember as many details as possible.You can print out notebook pages with pictures online, or just use regular notebook paper.


3. Hymns: These are the great hymns of the faith, like “A Mighty Fortress is Our God.” Have your kids learn the songs. You can find the hymns and sing along with the YouTube videos. Your children can write out the words on a notebook sheet of paper, looking at a hymn book for the printed words of each song.


4. Character: Define a character quality and ask God to help you grow in that quality. Write down ways that you show that quality throughout the day.

5. Drawings: Draw pictures of different Bible stories, choosing a scene that stands out in your mind. To see each of my children’s drawings, check out my series: 31 Days of Drawing through the Bible.


6. Time Line: Find a Bible time line printable or make up your own time line, drawing pictures to represent each Bible story. The one we used was from {affiliate link} Reproducible Maps, Charts, TimeLines, & Illustrations.


7. Maps & Charts: Color maps from Scripture stories. Print out charts outlining each book of the Bible. We used the ones from the same book where we got the time line. You can have an 8th section with the outlines of each book of the Bible, and the 7th section can be for maps and charts contained inside different stories from Scripture. (Watch the video above to see how we put together the notebook sections.)


Decorating Your Bible Notebook


Make sure to buy a binder that has a clear pocket in the front so that you can insert a decorated card stock paper into it for a beautiful cover. Print out the words “Bible Notebook” from your computer printer, and cut out the words and glue them to the cover page. Decorate it in any way you wish. We snapped a photo of an open Bible with our reading plan to decorate the front.


If you enjoyed this post, you will love the Bible section of the Unit Study Treasure Vault, where we have hands-on activities and exclusive videos for every book of the Bible!

Finding Physics Around Us

August 1st, 2016


Today we are beginning a new series on Elementary Physics, and we will be finding physics around us. You might not be aware that physics is a part of our everyday lives, so we’ve grabbed our video camera and captured some physics on film!

This post contains affiliate links. I was compensated for my work in writing this post.

We printed out the “Finding Physics” chart from Christian Kids Explore Physics by Bright Ideas Press, and my daughter had fun filling out the chart as we walked around, looking for physics.


Finding Physics: What We Found

Matter has weight and takes up space. It’s basically anything we can see or touch. Examples we found are people, scissors, milk, and piƱatas. The wall, an ice cream cone, and dirt are also examples of matter.


Energy is the capacity to do work. Examples of energy are the wind, a waterfall, a bolt of lightning, or a microwave.

Heat is a form of energy that causes things to become warm. If you put a cat on your lap, the warmth of the cat will cause you to become hot. Sources of heat: the sun, fire, a furnace, a stove or oven, and even a cup of coffee.

Light enables us to see when it illuminates the area in front of us. Sources of light are the sun, a lamp, a night light, garden lights, traffic lights, and even your cell phone.

Sound is vibrations that travel through the air. We hear these vibrations when they reach our ear. Examples of sounds would be a screaming child, a lawn mower, the clicking of a keyboard, a radio, and birds chirping outside.

Motion is something that is moving. My daughter Rachel is constantly moving (unless she is asleep), so she is a great example of this phenomenon. Other examples of motion are cars, motorcycles, bicycles, a sporting event (although golf and baseball are pretty slow!), and a running hyena.


Here is a coloring page from the first unit: The Foundations of Physics. It shows how trucks, fireworks, and even rocket ships use physics to work:


Now that you’ve seen physics in the world around us, why not stick around for the rest of the series? These are the topics that we will cover during the next few weeks:

  1. Finding Physics Around Us (this post)
  2. Measuring the Magnitude of Force
  3. Changing the Coefficient of Friction
  4. Turning Potential into Kinetic Energy
  5. The Speed of a Rotating Cookie
  6. Flying Projectiles & Plotting Trajectories
  7. Bowling with Momentum
  8. Prisms, Light, & Color
  9. Warming Things Up with Friction
  10. Sound Collection
  11. Fun with Magnets
  12. Make a Compass

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Fashion Show Birthday Party

July 1st, 2016


My daughter recently celebrated a fashion show birthday party. She had so much fun! The party included a runway with dress-up clothes, a doll fashion show, and a dress cake!

Our table centerpiece for the party was a miniature runway, with mannequins the size of Barbie dolls. (The kit we used was called Fashion Time Fashion Show, but you can create your own fashion show with actual dolls.) My daughter could decide what colors of cloth go together to make great outfits, and then she shoved the cloth into a vertical groove at the back of each mannequin.


You can embellish your fashion outfits with ribbons or lace. As you can see, the table runway looked great! I used hot pink confetti for the runway on top of a white tablecloth with lace.

After opening presents, my daughter did another fashion show with her American Girl doll, placing new doll outfits on her that she had received as gifts from her friends.


Next we made a dress cake. We baked a rectangular cake and let it cool in the refrigerator. Then we cut out the shape of a dress and placed it on a piece of cardboard lined with foil. We iced the cake with cherry icing, and we used chocolate chips for the buttons. I also created a pleated skirt effect by scoring downwards with a knife on the lower half of the cake.


I took out lots of dress up clothes from previous activities we’ve done: the poodle skirts from our 1950’s party, medieval dresses from our Medieval Unit Study, hippie clothing from our 1970’s party, cowboy outfits, ruffled skirts, boas, and an assortment of hats.


We made a red carpet runway down our living room by placing our hallway rugs end to end, and putting a wider red rug at the far end. The girls would turn around when they got to the end of the runway, to show off their fashions. The girls were having such a great time that the fashion show lasted a full hour! Who knew that a fashion show for kids would be so much fun?


101 Reasons to Pray

June 20th, 2016


If you are wondering why you should bother to pray, here are some good reasons to pray:

  1. To have a relationship with God.
  2. To experience God’s peace.
  3. To be transformed into the image of Christ.
  4. Because God commands us to pray.
  5. To be involved in God’s work in people’s lives.
  6. To show people we love them enough to pray for them.
  7. To receive guidance from the Holy Spirit.
  8. To get wisdom in a difficult situation.
  9. To see how God answers prayer.
  10. To learn perseverance and endurance.
  11. To get rid of anxiety and worry.
  12. To turn God-ward.
  13. To give us a proper perspective.
  14. To know the love of God.
  15. To connect to the God of the universe.
  16. To learn thankfulness.
  17. Life is hard. Without Jesus beside us, it would be unbearable.
  18. To feel the presence of God during trials.
  19. To stand in the gap for a loved one.
  20. To ask for the salvation of someone.
  21. To ask that God would transform a difficult person.
  22. If we have a need, that God would provide it.
  23. To receive comfort during sadness.
  24. To align your heart to God’s heart and feel what He feels.
  25. To receive forgiveness for sins.
  26. For God to help us to control our words.
  27. To adore the Creator.
  28. When someone is in the hospital, that God would bring healing.
  29. After a car accident or other trauma–for the ability to get through the situation.
  30. For the reconciliation of a broken marriage.
  31. For an estranged child to come back to Christ.
  32. For our bills to be paid.
  33. For safety during travel.
  34. For God to use our spiritual gifts for the edification of the church.
  35. For God to unify His people.
  36. To accomplish God’s work.
  37. To perform our daily tasks well.
  38. To raise our children with hearts for God.
  39. To talk with God, to commune with Him.
  40. To receive insight into God’s Word.
  41. For God to give us the right thing to say to someone.
  42. To remove fear and give us confidence.
  43. To receive encouragement from God.
  44. To delight in the Lord.
  45. To be strengthened inwardly.
  46. To grow in faith and trust.
  47. To glorify the Lord.
  48. To receive answers to specific prayers and praise God.
  49. For the church to have revival.
  50. To listen to God.
  51. To find God’s purpose and calling for your life.
  52. To push back the powers of darkness and shine light to others.
  53. To gain clarity in a confusing situation.
  54. To be able to commit ourselves to God when falsely accused.
  55. To make Jesus Lord of our lives and allow Him to rule us.
  56. To abide in Christ like a branch in a vine.
  57. To set people free from bondage.
  58. To learn to trust God and to see His faithfulness.
  59. To be sanctified so that we can be useful vessels to the Master.
  60. To grow in our faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God.
  61. To receive more rewards when we finally are with Christ in heaven.
  62. To gain assurance of salvation.
  63. For protection in a dangerous situation.
  64. To remove excuses for sin.
  65. To be guided by God and His Word.
  66. To be convicted over sin and retain a clear conscience.
  67. To bring delight to God.
  68. To repair a friendship.
  69. To receive wisdom for parenting.
  70. To know how to prioritize a busy day.
  71. To grow in holiness.
  72. To enable us to rejoice in all things.
  73. To know that all things will work out for our good.
  74. To gain boldness in evangelism.
  75. To acquire gentleness in rebuking someone.
  76. To learn to live in dependence upon God and not our own resources.
  77. To be set free from our own strongholds or sinful patterns of thought.
  78. To gain generosity to help the poor.
  79. To give true encouragement to the fainthearted.
  80. To help someone feel that they are not alone.
  81. To grow in intimacy with a spouse.
  82. To get excited about Christ’s return.
  83. To get rid of false guilt and condemnation.
  84. To have hope in a hopeless situation.
  85. To take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.
  86. To gain a greater awe for God.
  87. To not grow weary in doing good.
  88. To discover the hidden things of God.
  89. To ignite a deeper love and commitment to God.
  90. To ask God how to lead His children closer to Himself.
  91. To align your will to God’s will.
  92. To thank God for our daily food and His provision of it.
  93. To overcome temptation.
  94. To appreciate what God has given.
  95. To ask God to enable you to get out of debt.
  96. To not be blind to an area of sin.
  97. To break harmful addictions.
  98. To set our hearts on things above and not on earthly things.
  99. To learn contentment.
  100. To be a rock for other people in the midst of a storm.
  101. To enjoy the presence of God.

I hope you can see that prayer is vital and that there are so many reasons to pray. Can you think of other reasons we should pray?

To follow my prayer posts, like my Prayer page on Facebook, YouTube, and Google+.
