Groanings Too Deep for Words

April 8th, 2016


What does it mean when the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words?

In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.  (Romans 8:26-27 NASB)

Sometimes all we can do is come to the Lord in silence.

The Spirit Himself prays through us, translating our groanings and aligning our prayer to the will of God so that the request can be answered. Many times the answer is not immediate, and the best we can experience is the comfort of the Spirit (II Corinthians 1:4).

As you pour out your heart to the Lord, express whatever is in your soul. In the Psalms, David expressed sorrow, outrage, grief, and bewilderment that God wasn’t acting. But then he waited on God and put his hope in God. God is able to handle your raw unprocessed emotions. It is not a sin to pour out your heart to God. Job did so and was not rebuked by God. Go ahead and be honest because God already knows the reality of what you are going through.

If the Holy Spirit aligns our prayer to God’s will, what does that mean? The will of God is our sanctification (I Thessalonians 4:3-4). As we yield more to the Spirit, He produces more endurance and love in our lives, and we are more conformed to the image of Christ. The purpose of every hardship is to draw us closer to Christ, regardless of the outcome of the difficulty.


How are we made holy? Through the furnace of affliction.

Character is forged through suffering, and that character will matter for eternity. We are not instantly identical in heaven. Only what happens on this earth will differentiate our eternity. Some will rule over others because they have acquired more wisdom in this life because they went through more suffering and were purified more.

Through suffering you can experience God in a way that is not possible without the suffering. You have a depth to your character that is not there when you do not suffer.

Don’t purposely seek suffering. It will find you. If you love others at all, you will suffer. Those who never suffer don’t love others. If you open your eyes to the people around you, you will see suffering everywhere. Go ahead and share their suffering, and it will bring them comfort.

Groanings Too Deep for Words (Video # 12)

To follow my prayer posts, like my Prayer page on Facebook, YouTube, and Google+.


Make Your Own Prayer Box

April 1st, 2016


A good friend gave me a prayer box as a gift. She and her daughter decorated an Altoid tin and placed a pad of paper and tiny pencil inside for prayer requests. Doesn’t the prayer box look lovely?

How to Make Your Own Prayer Box

Step 1: First you will need to buy a tin with candy in it. Eat the candy or give it away.

Step 2: Glue some cloth or scrapbook paper to the top of the tin. Tacky glue and hot glue work the best. Keep in mind the favorite colors of the person you will give the prayer box to, or match it to the home decor so that she will be happy to leave it out.

Step 3: Use a black marker to write “Prayer Box” on top, if you used scrapbook paper. If you used cloth, use cloth markers or puff paint.

Step 4: Glue cloth or scrapbook paper to the inside top of the tin. Type “Prayer Requests,” a Scripture verse about prayer, or a short poem on a sheet of paper, cut it out, and glue it on top of the inside lid.

Step 5: Place a pad of paper and a small pencil in the box.

You are now finished making your own prayer box. Either use it yourself or make prayer boxes for your friends. You can keep track of people’s prayer requests by writing one request on each piece of paper. You can also write your worries on the pieces of paper, and give those requests to God.

To follow my prayer posts, like my Prayer page on Facebook, YouTube, and Google+.

Good Friday Poem

March 25th, 2016


Make Your Own Nest

March 21st, 2016


When you are learning about birds in the spring, a fun activity you can do with your kids is to make your own nest. Your kids can “fly” around the yard as if they were birds, searching for materials from which to build their nest.

You want to start with a base, or a place to build your nest. You can grab one of those pottery dishes that go under a large potted plant. Or grab a tray from your kitchen. Or you can just build your nest on the ground or in a tree.


Materials you can gather to make your own nest:

  • twigs and sticks
  • dead leaves
  • moss and lichen
  • wheat stalks
  • dead grass
  • bark from trees
  • dead weeds
  • fluff from flowers
  • wet mud

How to put together your nest:

You will want to mix some dirt and water to create your glue. Birds sometimes use spider webs or other sticky plants to keep their nest together instead of mud, but many birds use mud.

Start arranging your dry grass, leaves, pine needles, twigs and other debris into a nest shape. Use the mud to glue it all together. Make it nice and soft by adding moss and fluff to line the inside of the nest.

Now you can place some oval-shaped rocks into the nest to make it look like a bird laid eggs there.

More bird activities for a bird unit study:

I hope you enjoyed putting together your own nest. For more hands-on learning ideas, join the Unit Study Treasure Vault.