Pottery Wheel Video Controversial?

With my Kid’s Pottery Wheel video getting over 16,000 views, you would think that people liked it. After all, I stated lots of helpful tips on how to successfully make pottery on a toy pottery wheel. But I’ve had lots of people hit “dislike”on the video because they hate toy pottery wheels in general. Hello, people. You are rating the video, not rating the topic in general. Who would have thought that I would get so many vicious remarks, some of which I had to delete? Who on earth would “dislike” some sweet children making pottery? And why cuss at me about it?

I’ve gotten pretty much an equal amount of likes and dislikes on my video, indicating that it’s a controversial issue. I agree with the people that say that toy pottery wheels are lousy. A lady e-mailed me a few days ago about what brand I recommended. I told her, “Since I recorded the pottery wheel video 2 years ago, I don’t own the pottery wheel any more, and I don’t know the brand. Sorry about that. In my opinion, all toy pottery wheels are the same.”

She e-mailed me back again, insisting that I tell her the brand. She said that all the reviews on toy pottery wheels were bad. I almost just copied and pasted my previous e-mail, since I had already told her that I didn’t know the brand. Instead, I just took a deep breath and wrote: “I agree that all toy pottery wheels are lousy. If the person using it is angry or impatient, they will not have success. You need to be gentle with it, and using the tips in the video, you can have success, even when you use a lousy toy pottery wheel. Like I said, in my opinion they are all the same. Most people can’t afford an extremely expensive real pottery wheel, so I show people how to use a lousy toy pottery wheel effectively.”

I’ve gotten a similar reaction to my YouTube video “A Typical Homeschool Day,” with people hitting “dislike” because they dislike homeschooling. At least the “likes” far outweigh the “dislikes”–32 “likes” and 4 “dislikes” out of almost 10,000 hits. I’ve gotten 51 comments, including an atheist who was angry with me that I teach my children the Bible. I answered him, and then he was just picking a fight and I was tired, so I asked my husband to deal with him.

At least in “Bible Costume in Five Minutes” (over 15,000 hits), only two people hated my Bible costume demonstration, while 41 people said they “liked” it. And nobody has said anything vicious about my Bible costume. Nobody is cussing at me over it. So that’s good.

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6 Responses to “Pottery Wheel Video Controversial?”

  1. Sarah says:

    People are weird, and haters are gonna hate. I’m sorry that people are using your great info to be rude and hateful. I appreciate what you do; don’t know if that matters much, but I do! 🙂

    • Susan Evans says:

      Thank you, Sarah. Don’t worry; I’m not crying over people cussing at me for making a sweet video about pottery. I just felt frustrated that people were rating my video on how they disliked the subject I was talking about. It makes my video look bad, because I can’t change the ratings. It is what it is. Oh, well.

  2. Anna-Marie says:

    How awful that people are doing this, I am so sorry you have to deal with morons.
    SOme people just like to make drama and go looking for things to dislike and make negative comments. Keep up the good work there are others out there, like me who appreciate what you are doing

    • Susan Evans says:

      Thank you. You’re probably right about people wanting to create hoopla just because they’re in a bad mood. I’m glad you appreciate what I do. I put a lot of hard work into my videos.

  3. People don’t seem to really think when they comment or dislike something. Is all about being right, their opinion counting and making everyone see it, by force if necessary.
    I guess it’s easy to forget that there are people on the other side of the computer screen.
    But like you said, they didn’t dislike your kids or your video, they disliked the use of toy pottery wheel. (Not that it gives them right to treat you wrongly.) So it really wasn’t a personal statement against you, they were just venting their feelings, sadly, commenting on your Youtube video.
    Keep on doing the good work. There will always be haters who hate. And if you say you love something or that you have a passion, it’s sure to atract people who hate passion and love.

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