Praying for Your Family is Crucial

praying-for-your-familyWhy is praying for your family crucial? Because if you do not pray for your family members, maybe no one else will.

Do you think your spouse and children will become the godly people that God requires them to be if no one prays for them? Maybe the enemy has convinced you that your prayers will not make a difference, so you’ve purposely decided not to pray.

Consider that God commands us to pray throughout Scripture, and that our prayers are a sweet aroma to the Lord (Psalm 141:2). God delights in answering our prayers (Proverbs 15:8). If we ask God for bread, will He give us a scorpion? (Matthew 7:9) No! He gives good gifts to those who ask. And who better to bless than the members of your own family, the ones living under the same roof with you?

Pray for each of your children by name, along with their character weaknesses. You will be surprised when God begins to work in those weak areas because you have committed those areas to God. Ask God how your child can overcome those areas, and if you are struggling with the same sin (like anger, for example), ask God to purge it from your life first. Then your child will see how God transforms lives in a tangible way. You can explain exactly how God set you free from the same sin, so that your child can be set free as well.

Why Praying for Your Family is Crucial (Video #8)

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16 Responses to “Praying for Your Family is Crucial”

  1. Terri says:

    Amen. We need to cover everyone of our family in prayer every day

    • Susan says:

      You would be surprised by how many people don’t pray daily for their family members! I’ve asked in groups of prayer, and the women say they don’t always pray for their husbands or children every day.

  2. Erin says:

    Such a great reminder. I think many times we get in a rhythm and become repetitive in nature, even our prayers. Also, I think we get so caught up in addressing life that we forget to ask God to address it for us.

  3. Andrea says:

    And to never stop praying – my pastor always says that when we stop praying, the enemy wins

  4. We live near Washington, DC and I pray every day for my Hubs and daughter and remind them of the importance of putting on the armor of God daily!

  5. I don’t know why someone wouldn’t pray for their family! Prayer focuses my heart on them and helps me be a better wife and mother.

    • Susan says:

      You would be surprised by how many people don’t pray daily for their family members! I’ve asked in groups of prayer, and the women say they don’t always pray for their husbands or children every day.

  6. Wonderful advice!

    I loved your story about being turned around from your attitude toward your mother. I know I struggle with assuming that someone has malicious intentions when really they probably just weren’t thinking! I am slowly learning how to stop and look at myself as God sees me, like you so perfectly illustrated. When we look objectively at how putrid and disgusting our sin is before the Lord, it should make us take a huge leap back! The more we mature in Christ, the faster this is…I love how it is described in Psalms as having a highway to Zion…

    Psalm 84:5 How blessed is the man whose strength is in You,
    In whose heart are the highways to Zion!

    In other words, when problems arise and sin comes up, we jump on the highway to Zion immediately, and re-align ourselves with God’s will. It’s not a dirt road, not a city street, a highway! We turn to God at lightning speed! Love it!!

  7. Kristi says:

    Amen!!! We need to be lifting our children up constantly. Sometimes in the busyness of life we forget to make this a priority.

  8. Aileen says:

    It can be so easy to give up on those that are closest to you. Sometimes it’s harder to see the incremental changes or the little ways God answers prayers for those in your own home, and you just give up. Thank you for this reminder to persevere in prayer!

    • Susan says:

      The requests that are about sanctification are often the slowest to be answered, but God will always finish what He started in each of our lives, for our character to grow.

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