When rearranging a room on graph paper, you want to measure the room. Each foot will convert to one square on your graph paper. Then measure each piece of furniture that you want to have in the room. Cut those out of construction paper so that you can move them around on the paper, seeing which configuration works best. You will want to label the pieces of furniture so that they are easier to picture on your page. Make sure to place the doors and any feature that is built-in, like a fireplace or bookshelves. The things that you can’t move should be drawn in pen or permanent marker, because they are fixed.
You might decide that based on your needs, you do not need a specific piece of furniture, but that you would rather have a different piece of furniture. You can replace a large stuffed chair with a desk, for example. Decide what you want to do in that specific room, and then make sure you have space to do each of those things.
Rearranging a room on graph paper before you move the furniture will help you save time. You also avoid hurting your back by repeatedly moving the bulky furniture back and forth. Seeing the configuration of furniture on paper will help you to optimize your space and come up with ideas you might not have thought of. We rearranged our family room and came up with a much bettter-looking room than before. It was a fun transformation that didn’t cost any money!
Tags: art, Homeschooling, interior design, math
I love reading your blog!! This is a great idea!! Your picture posts are fun or helpful, and your written posts always make me think! You are a fun and deep thinking woman!! I enjoy “visiting” with you here!
Thank you so much! You have no idea how much I needed encouragement today!
This isjust in time for me! And not just for the school aspect of it – I have an odd shaped room that we have got to figure out how to get the most out of, and I have not even thought about graph paper! I love how God uses others and is always right on time! Now we can kill two birds with one stone- school project/home project. Woohoo!
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