Seeking Wisdom During a Fast


One reason to fast is to seek wisdom from the Lord about a specific issue. Several years ago my husband and I fasted before the Lord because he had a sleep problem that was affecting his life. He was becoming so haggard that he could hardly survive. I had prayed and prayed about it, but God didn’t seem to be answering. So we decided to fast.

After fasting for 24 hours, the following day, I got an e-mail that a couple of gray-haired people from our church were prompted by God to pay for a sleep study for my husband. They hardly even knew us at that point, but God prompted them during the same 24 hours that we were fasting. The sleep study cost them over $1,000, so it was obviously God because people don’t part with their money like that. It’s impossible aside from God, but He was using the people within the church to answer our request.

As a result of the sleep study, my husband was given practical sleep strategies that he could implement to improve his sleep, and he was better able to sleep. But the overarching problem was a deeper issue. While fasting before the Lord, I had asked some practical questions. These are some of the questions I asked God:

  • What is causing my husband not to sleep?
  • What can I do to help him sleep?
  • How do we reduce work stress? Does he need to switch jobs?
  • How do we reduce financial stress? Is there something else we can do for income?
  • Are there spiritual issues keeping my husband from sleeping?

Ask God each question and open your heart expectantly in silence for a long time. Rest in God’s presence in silence. Do not be rushed. Ask one question at a time and rest. Then write down what comes to you. These are always in line with God’s Word and are often counter-intuitive; ideas you never would have thought of on your own. You will find that deeper issues are resolved rather than the original issue you raised to God.

Another time I fasted before the Lord for three days to find the root cause of a problem in a relationship. At the end of the three days, God answered me, and I knew the root cause and was able to deal with it. Only God knows the issues of the heart and where true healing is needed. Ask God a question, and then fast for the answer. God promises us in James 1:5 that if we ask for wisdom, it will be given to us.

Sometimes God answers instantaneously during a fast. Other times there is a time delay. God hears our prayers during a fast, and then a month later, the answer comes. With Daniel, God heard his prayer instantly, but there was a time delay because of spiritual warfare going on. Just because you don’t see an instant response, don’t be disheartened.

Have you missed one of our posts about fasting? Follow our “Hunger for God” Fasting Series. (One will be posted each Friday):

To keep up with my prayer posts, follow my Prayer Page, where you will find exclusive prayer videos to help you hunger for God and establish a prayer life that is truly alive!

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26 Responses to “Seeking Wisdom During a Fast”

  1. Melissa says:

    What an amazing example of the power of fasting. My husband is also struggling with sleeping issues and we are contemplating a sleep study. Thank you for providing more in depth information about fasting!

  2. Kristi says:

    I love that you are asking detailed questions! God does say to ask and he will give us wisdom.

    How wonderful that not only you were fasting but those church members answered the call Christ put upon them.

    • Susan says:

      That means that those people were open to obeying God, that they were true believers with the Holy Spirit in them, because no one parts with huge amounts of money unless God is actually Lord of their lives.

  3. Heather Hart says:

    It sounds like God has used fasting in your life in a mighty way. Thanks for sharing.

    • Susan says:

      We see so many examples of people fasting in Scripture, and God answering as a result of it. Even evil Ahab fasted in sackcloth and ashes, and God heard him, even though he was the husband of Jezebel. (1 Kings 21:27)

  4. Julie says:

    What great testimonies, Susan! Makes me want to try it and see about answers to some prayers I’ve needed answers for.

  5. Susan.
    I believe prayer and fasting are two of the most underrated gifts God has given to us. I’m always surprised when a believer says, “All I can do is pray”. What???? Prayer is the most awesome thing we can do on behalf of ourselves and for others. It is our God connection and when we fast and pray God opens our hearts to receive even greater things including His wisdom and discernment. The power of prayer and fasting creates a deeper relationship of love and trust with our Heavenly Father and I am so thankful!

  6. Amy says:

    This was very encouraging. I don’t fast very often, but it is something I have thought that I need to do to really seek the Lord about some things. Thanks for sharing this. – Amy

  7. Ann (Neethu) says:

    Very powerful blog! When wives are in prayer for their husbands… those prayers strengthen them and give them great confidence to move forward in the will of God. Speaking the Word over your man is a delight to the heart of the Lord.

  8. Dana says:

    I am so thankful you were able to have your prayers answered like that!

  9. God is so awesome! Often he is just waiting for us to ask intentionally. He has great gifts ready and waiting!

  10. Love your testimony! It really does work like that! It can even be soo simple too. once I chose not to eat a cookie for a specific intention and I saw results within 10 minutes! I was shocked, and them in my heart I heard Him say, ” See, I do amazing things fast!”

  11. Yolanda says:

    I was inspired by how you emphasized that fasting allows God to tell us what the heart issues really are. Thank you for sharing.

  12. DONNA MILLER says:

    What a powerful testimony on the power of fasting and seeking the Lord! My hubby also has sleep issues that the Lord helped us to get help for. Thank you for sharing this Susan! ❤

  13. C. Allen says:

    Very encouraging post. God definitely can give us wisdom through fasting and prayer. Although I am not married this post gives much insight and guidance for what I should for my future spouse but also as I seek the Lord currently. Thank you for your words.

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