Posts Tagged ‘Bible’

Ezra Unit Study

Wednesday, September 17th, 2014

Ezra-unit-studyFor our Ezra unit study, we dramatized the events of the book, rebuilt the Temple with blocks, and made a craft to represent leaving Babylon and going to Jerusalem. We are creating unit studies for every book of the Bible, which you can enjoy in the Unit Study Treasure Vault.

First we acted out the different scenes from the book. King Cyrus issued a decree that the Jews could return to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple. He even gave Ezra money for the supplies he would need, as well as returning the precious Temple goblets and utensils to be used in the service of God.

Here is a drawing of Ezra leading the Jews back to Jerusalem:


We made a model of Babylon (the gorgeous blue gate of Babylon), and we placed it on one end of a long table. (For instructions on how to make the Babylon model, watch the Daniel Unit Study inside the Vault.) On the other end of the table was a model of Jerusalem that we made. (Watch the Lamentations Unit Study to see how we made that model.) We grabbed some toy soldiers, and from one end of the table to the other, we moved a big group of people. Those were the Jewish people, thousands of them in real life were returning with Ezra to Jerusalem.

My son snapped pictures of the soldiers moving little by little from Babylon to Jerusalem, and when I edited the video, I had less than 2 seconds for each slide, fading into each other. It was really cool!

ezra-unit-studyAnother great activity that we did was to build the Temple with blocks. The block Temple should be a long rectangle made of 3 squares. The first square is the Holy of Holies blocked off from the other two thirds of the building. My sons wanted me to film and then speed up the video to make it look like they were building it fast. It was great! I thought I was going to have to strip off the sound and add a sound effect, but the sound of the blocks clunking in fast motion sounded like construction work! I praised God because I have felt His presence and blessing on each of these Bible unit studies!

After the Temple was constructed, the people rejoiced. Some of the older people who had seen Solomon’s Temple before the Babylonian captivity were wailing with sorrow while the younger people were shouting for joy. Here is a drawing of people rejoicing over the construction of the Temple:


Ezra then read the entire Word of God to the people while they stood with their wives and children in the rain. They cried when they heard the Word of God because they hadn’t heard it in so long, and they had been walking in disobedience. They were convicted of their sin.

ezra-reads-in-the-rainThe book of Ezra ends with him listing all the offenders who had married outside the faith. The disobedient people decided to obey God and only marry people who loved the Lord.

Sign up below for a free Bible crafts e-book!

If you enjoyed this Ezra Unit Study, why not join the Unit Study Treasure Vault!

Solomon Unit Study

Friday, August 15th, 2014


This fun Solomon Unit Study includes dramatizations, drawings, and hands-on ideas for learning about the wisest man who ever lived.

We filmed our dramatizations for our Solomon Unit Study inside our ever-growing Bible section of the Unit Study Treasure Vault. These pictures were taken years ago when we first dramatized the life of Solomon. We crowned one of my sons King of Israel and grabbed a kingly costume that I had bought at a yard sale. We placed him up on a coffee table, with two stone lions beside him. Since we didn’t have lions, we used a bear toy and a dragon puppet. A servant fanned him off continuously, and he ruled with great power and wisdom.


In fact, Solomon is known for his great wisdom. God appeared to Solomon in a vision and said He would grant him any request. So Solomon asked for wisdom. This was such a great answer that God decided to give him riches and honor as well.

If you want to study the wisdom of Solomon, you can start with the story of two women. One baby was dead and the other was alive, and each woman claimed the living baby was hers. “Chop the baby in half and give each woman half the baby!” stated Solomon, and the rightful mother screamed to stop and give the living baby to the other woman, but to please let the baby live. The other woman said to kill the baby; if she couldn’t have the baby, neither should the other woman. Obviously Solomon knew who the right mother was!


You can draw a picture of this story, illustrating the two women, the baby, the servant, and King Solomon on his throne.


You can study the wisdom literature that Solomon wrote, especially the book of Proverbs. Here are two hands-on learning activities for studying the book of Proverbs:


The Queen of Sheba visited King Solomon and brought him spices. We put some spice bottles on a tray and handed them to the king. But a lot more treasure was given Solomon besides the spices. You can illustrate how rich Solomon was by drawing a pile of riches on top of King Solomon.


Solomon built the Temple for the Lord and dedicated the Temple with a beautiful prayer. His father David had made preparations for the Temple before his death. You could make a model of the Temple with Legos or with a shoe box similar to how we made the Tabernacle Model. You would need to add rooms on the sides and paint everything gold, but the set-up of the Holy Place and the Holy of Holies is the same.

Sadly, at the end of Solomon’s life, he turned away from God to idols because of his many wives. And thus ends the life of King Solomon.

Sign up below for a free Bible crafts e-book!

To study the Word of God deeply with your kids, grab Using Simple Costumes and Props to Teach the Bible. You get this workshop free when you join the Unit Study Treasure Vault.

Kings of Israel Unit Study

Wednesday, June 11th, 2014


In our Kings of Israel Unit Study, we filmed every single king of Israel and Judah, describing their lives, and whether each was good or bad. We had paper plates left over from our Moon Unit Study, and we added black construction paper eyes and mouth to four of the plates.

  1. Half white plate / half black plate: The first part of this king’s life was good, the second part bad. These were great kings most of their lives, but either arrogance or foreign wives caused their hearts to turn away from Him.
  2. Half black plate / half white plate: The first part was bad, the second part good. These kings were usually horrible, and then something bad happened to them and they repented and turned back to God.
  3. Black plate: These kings were bad all the way through. All 20 of the kings of the ten Northern tribes of Israel were bad. Jeroboam (the first king of the Northern kingdoms) built golden calves at two high places to prevent the Israelites from going to Jerusalem. Yes, the tribes of the North thought the Lord Almighty was a cow. This wasn’t the first time. Remember the golden calf at the bottom of Mount Sinai?
  4. White plate: These kings were good all the way through their reigns. When they sinned, they repented, and they never turned away from following the Lord. My three favorite good kings were David, Hezekiah, and Josiah.

We filmed this thorough analysis of the kings of Israel and Judah, with my kids dressing up as each king. Athaliah was a wicked queen from the South, and Jezebel was a wicked queen from the North. So my daughter got to play those two parts. This half-hour video is a whirlwind tour of the kings of Israel and Judah, and you will understand Scripture in a fresh way. To watch the Kings of Israel Unit Study, join the Unit Study Treasure Vault. 100% of the profit goes to feeding my children, pictured above, as well as paying bills.

Drawing Proverbs

Friday, May 16th, 2014


A fun way to gain wisdom is drawing Proverbs. These illustrations can be really fun, since many Proverbs contain pithy statements that have two opposites. The righteous and the wicked are compared. What other antithetical character qualities are compared?

  • The diligent vs. the slothful
  • The wise vs. fools
  • Gentleness vs. anger
  • Cheerfulness vs. a broken spirit
  • Humility vs. pride
  • The rich vs. the poor
  • Restraining speech vs. gossip
  • The Proverbs 31 woman vs. the constant dripping of a quarrelsome wife

Go ahead and choose a fun Proverb from the Bible, and try to illustrate it. An easy way to do this is to divide the paper in half, drawing the first part of the verse on the first half, and the second part in the second half.

The illustration at the top of the page is: “Better is a dish of vegetables where love is, than a fattened ox and hatred with it.” Proverbs 15:17 NASBĀ  My daughter drew a table with vegetables on it, where everyone was happy. Then she drew another table with meat, where everyone was angry at each other.


This next picture has four boxes. My son illustrated actions and their consequences. You can discuss consequences of actions with your kids. Proverbs 10:4 says “Poor is he who works with a negligent hand, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.” (NASB) First a lazy man is sleeping, and he has empty pockets. Another man works hard scrubbing the floor, and he has lots of money.

drawing-proverbs-3The third illustrated Proverb is found in Proverbs 15:28: “The heart of the righteous ponders how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things.” A heart is pictured, looking like he is pondering. Then a mouth pours out evil things.


This last illustrated Proverb is about getting counsel from wise people before making big decisions. “Where there is no guidance, the people fall, but in an abundance of counselors there is victory.” Proverbs 11:14 NASBĀ  My son drew a cliff with a guy going off the cliff because he had no good advice from anyone. In the second picture, the man is getting advice and avoids falling over the cliff.

If you enjoyed this Drawing Proverbs activity, you will love the huge Bible section inside the Unit Study Treasure Vault!