Here is a mime act for kids that is super fun for entertaining audiences. My son was only 7 years old when he performed it! He taught himself how to do each act.
Here are the mime act ideas and how to do them:
Trapped in a Box: Pat the air around you on four sides, as if you were in a box. Stiffen your hand when you hit the side of the imaginary box. You can open the lid and jump out of the box. Then push the imaginary box out of the way for the next act.
- The Stairs: Pretend you’re walking down the stairs, squatting down lower and lower as you go. This is a fun one to do behind a sofa so the audience doesn’t see your legs. You can climb back up the stairs if you want.
- The Elevator: Turn your back to the audience and push the imaginary button of the elevator. After waiting, get into the elevator and turn around. Press the inside elevator button. Now go down as smoothly as you can, bending your knees and squatting down low. If you want, you can come back up the elevator.
- Rowing a Boat: Stand with your body facing to the side. Pretend you are rowing a boat with an oar. When the current pushes your canoe backwards, try desperately to row your boat against the strong current. Or you can row around a lake in an oval shape, rowing back and forth. Don’t forget to lose your balance and fall into the water with an imaginary splash.
- The Fish: Make your mouth small, like you’re puckering up for a kiss. With both arms bent at your sides, swish your fingers back and forth like the fins of a fish. Swim around the room.
- Old Man: Hunch over and hold onto a cane. Wobble your cane and tremble as you walk, shaking your head as well.
- The Rope: An imaginary rope is hanging from side to side in front of you. Grab onto it with both hands, pulling yourself across the rope little by little.
- The Car: Open the door of the car and get in. Sit down and shut the door. Let off the break, put your keys in the ignition, and put your hands on the steering wheel. Start driving the car. Wave to the audience as you pass by. When you’re finished with your ride, get out of the car and shut the door.
- The Motorcycle: Sit down on the motorcycle and hold onto the handle bars. pull the right handlebar backwards several times to start the engine. Ride your motorcycle around the room. Try to do some tricks on your motorcycle, like taking the front wheel off the ground.
- The Bullfighter: Grab an imaginary red cloth and wave it in front of the bull. When the bull runs toward you, lift up the cloth into the air. Then turn your back to the audience and do it again. Try it from different angles.
- Building a Sand Castle: Sit on the ground and start filling your bucket with sand, using an imaginary shovel. When the bucket is full, turn the bucket upside-down, and whack it on the ground. Gently lift the bucket up, and admire your beautiful sand castle. Make another one.
- The Slide: Climb up the ladder of the slide, reaching up for each rung of the ladder with your hands. Once at the top, slide down the slide. Slide down the spiral slide, holding onto the sides and becoming lower and lower.
- The Monkey Bars: Grab onto the bar with one hand, then grab onto the next bar with the other hand, and continue until you have crossed the monkey bars. Turn around and cross the monkey bars from the other direction. Jump off at the end.
- Sliding Down a Pole: Grab an imaginary pole. Now turn around and around, making sure to squat down lower and lower as you slide down the pole.
- The Carousel: Get on the carousel, and hold onto the pole. Go up and down, making sure to continue holding on to the pole. Go in circles, and wave to the audience as you pass by.
If you enjoyed this video where my son did his cute mime acts, go to YouTube and “Like” it! My son is deliriously happy every time he sees another person enjoyed his act!