The Best Banana Bread in the World

best-banana-breadMy husband’s boss asks for my banana bread every year for the annual brunch, but when I arrive with two loaves, he whisks both of them off the table and hides them. When I start laughing, he says, “Oh, we have too much food anyway.” He says this every year. Because he wants it all to himself; that’s why.

This is the very first recipe I ever baked when I was a young girl, and I’ve continued to make it all these years. My mother gave me the recipe on a card, and I laminated it because I use the recipe so much.

Turn on the oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour two small loaf pans. Mash 3 very ripe bananas. In another larger bowl, cream together ½ cup of margarine (softened), ¾ cup of sugar, and 1 egg. Dump the banana mush into the larger bowl. Now add 3 tablespoons of milk, 2 cups of flour, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, and ¼ teaspoon of salt. Stir. Divide equally into the two small loaf pans. Bake for half an hour.

If your bananas are small, you might need to add a little bit of milk to compensate. If your bananas are enormous, you might need to add some flour. If it’s your first time to make banana bread, just buy normal-sized bananas.

Don’t try to bake the two small loaves in one loaf pan. My best friend keeps asking me, “What is your secret to your yummy banana bread? Mine doesn’t taste the same, and furthermore, it doesn’t bake in half an hour. It takes way longer.” And I answer every time, “Use two small loaf pans instead of one big one.” And she says, “Oh, I don’t want to do that. I don’t have enough space in my cupboard.” The next year, like clockwork, we have the same conversation…

Some day I will buy two small loaf pans and mail them to her. When she opens the package, she will probably laugh.

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5 Responses to “The Best Banana Bread in the World”

  1. Oh, oh can it be better than MY world’s best banana bread? lol I’ll have to try it!

  2. Christie Gibson says:

    Must be some other best friend because I’ve never had that conversation. I do always loose the recipe and you have had to give it to me several times and my Aunt Linda finally wrote it in the cover of my recipe book!

    • Susan Evans says:

      Do you or do you not bake it in one large loaf pan instead of two small ones? I rest my case… LOL

      • Christie says:

        I do but I add extra flour and extra time and it’s perfect. I always have to add extra flour anyway because I use whole wheat (which to me makes everything taste better).
        I cannot remember the last time I ever tasted YOUR banana bread to comment on it. Possibly at your wedding!

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