You are Healed and Restored


You are healed and restored! You can be fully healed by God, and this is especially true about healing inwardly from trauma. God is able to make the pain go away inwardly so that you can have joy, even if your circumstances don’t change.

God is also able to heal physically. “By His stripes we are healed,” says Isaiah 53:5, so Christ died on the cross for all of our sin, and He bore our sorrow and our infirmities. If He bore them, He is able to heal them. While on earth, Jesus healed all who came to Him. We are allowed to ask Him to heal us physically. I have been involved in situations where we laid hands on the sick, and they were instantly healed. Other times we felt the healing touch of God, but the person was not outwardly healed. Either way, we can praise the Lord. How?

Joni Eareckson Tada, for example, was not healed physically, and as a result, she has WAY more joy because she is a speaker and author and her message has healed so many people! If she had been healed instantly, thousands of people might still be suffering who now have inward healing because of her message. The book I mentioned in the video is When God Weeps: Why Our Sufferings Matter to the Almighty. It is an outstanding book about suffering that never would have been written if she had been physically healed.


Every drop of pain that you have, any sickness you might have, if you have asked God to heal you and He hasn’t yet, God is doing something that you can’t see. I promise you that no suffering is for nothing. You will be rewarded for every drop of suffering you have ever endured. That includes physical suffering. God will make all things right and turn sorrow into joy (Psalm 30:5). He will turn anything that the enemy intended for evil into good (Genesis 50:20).

If someone had laid hands on Job while he had boils and prayed for his healing, he would NOT have been healed, not from a lack of faith, but because there was a spiritual reality that was happening between Satan and God.


The angels and demons are watching as you glorify God in the midst of your sickness, and it makes the enemy mad! Woohoo! More glory for God and for us! “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” (Romans 8:18 NASB)

Please watch the video above to hear my testimony of how I received complete healing from agony in my soul even though my situation didn’t change. It will show you how to functionally grab hold of the healing of God and experience relief.

I hope you understand that you are healed and restored, and that you don’t have to wait around for your circumstances to change. God is our great healer!

If you don’t want to miss any of these posts from the series “31 Days to Regaining Your Identity,” why not sign up for my free monthly newsletter below, and follow my prayer page on Facebook.



My daughter and I created the artwork for this series from the course {aff} “You are a Masterpiece” by Alicia Gratehouse. If you love to do art and are discovering who you are in Christ, this is a great art course for you!

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12 Responses to “You are Healed and Restored”

  1. Alice Mills says:

    Understanding who we are in Christ means that we know that He uses all things for the good in every circumstance.

    • Susan says:

      God turns everything, even the worst situations, into good in our lives somehow. I can attest to God’s complete healing in so many areas of my life!

  2. Andrea says:

    We must also be willing and open to receive healing from the Lord!

    • Susan says:

      An openness to all of who we are is essential for God to move in our lives to restore us to who we are supposed to be, without all the pain and trauma we have endured. God brings healing internally to our hearts and minds when we let Him.

  3. Melissa says:

    I have worked with many people who have endured pain, suffering, and trauma. In the moment they struggled to see how God was using their situation for good. As renewed strength, confidence, and faith in God took hold each of they have been able to see how God has used their circumstances to help someone else.

    • Susan says:

      I’ve seen that many times, how God uses a situation in our own lives to help us to have empathy for someone else who goes through a similar situation later.

  4. Lara M says:

    I needed this reminder today. There’s a lot of hardship and tragedy around us right now. Thank you so much for sharing, Susan.

  5. Katie says:

    Yes! God is powerful and He can heal us, whether it looks like a physical healing or an inner peace of the heart. He uses ALL things if we let Him. Having said that, suffering is not an easy road to walk. And it takes people alongside us to encourage us asking the way.

  6. Jess says:

    This is such a great post on why God doesn’t always perform immediate healings. He hasn’t completely healed me of my sufferings, but I must remind myself that it serves God in some way. And His ways are always good!

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