You are Loved


You are loved by God! God thought you up before the beginning of time, with all your strengths and frailties. He knew you and called you to be His before the beginning of time (Psalm 139). God the Father loved you so much He sent His Son (John 3:16), and Jesus gave His life for you on the cross and paid the price of all the sin you would ever commit so that He could have a relationship with you. You are pretty special to God, you are unique, and He made you exactly the way He intended you to be. You are accepted and loved!

Don’t go seeking humans to love you with the love that only Jesus can offer. If you ask the Lord to fill you with His love, He will answer you. In Ephesians 3:17-18, Paul prays that we may all experience the breadth and length and depth and height, and to know the love of Christ. The word in the original Greek for “know” is an experiential knowledge, since there is a different word for head knowledge.

If you seek acceptance from others, if your husband seems to have contempt for you rather than love, if your closest friends betray you, if your family members disown you–none of these matters if you can access the love of Jesus and understand how loved and valued you are to His kingdom. Flawed people are born selfish, and the best of Christians fights selfishness daily. There is no way you will ever be loved by a human the way that Jesus can love you.


Romans 5:5 says that God’s love has been poured out into out hearts, and how can that mean a cognitive understanding? No, it’s something that touches the heart and that changes who we are. ALL of the Christian life is miraculous, from true salvation that brings transformation, to the love that we can experience, to the peace that passes understanding in difficult situations.


If you have been abused, raped, neglected, or hurt in any way by others, understand that Christ was inside of you and experienced all your pain with you. He knows you like no one else can!

No matter what you’ve done, He forgives you when you come to Him, and He wipes you clean and sees you in a beautiful light. God created you just the way He wanted you and accepts you just the way you are, with all your flaws. You are loved.

People who have never been through hardship and had a great family life growing up might think that they understand the love of God. But sometimes it’s the broken who reach upward for strength that are filled supernaturally by His Spirit.


“Is it not likely that many healthy, well-adjusted, productive adults from self-assured families mistake their own natural sense of well-being for the love of God, and are therefore worse off spiritually than the broken person who, beyond all expectation, has tasted the love of God by the power of the Holy Spirit?” – John Piper

If you need to experience the love of God, ask that God would remove any obstacle that is standing in the way of you truly having that love wash over you. Here is one of my favorite songs about the love of God: O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus.

I hope you know that you are loved!

If you don’t want to miss any of these posts from the series “31 Days to Regaining Your Identity,” why not sign up for my free monthly newsletter below, and follow my prayer page on Facebook.



My daughter and I created the artwork for this series from the course {aff} “You are a Masterpiece” by Alicia Gratehouse. If you love to do art and are discovering who you are in Christ, this is a great art course for you!

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14 Responses to “You are Loved”

  1. Jess says:

    God definitely fills us up with love when we go to him! And that helps us pour into others! Beautiful video❤️

  2. Heather says:

    I love that we are loved by God! Thanks for sharing this today, Susan! I always love your blog.

  3. Julie says:

    Thank you for sharing this, Susan! It was helpful to see how the head knowledge of His love can be experienced!

  4. Alice Mills says:

    Because so many people feel unloved, we need to be Jesus with skin on, loving the unloved and unlovable.

  5. Melissa says:

    When we are having hard days or weeks it can be difficult to be reminded that we are loved by God but when we focus on that love the hardships can have less of an effect. Thank you for the post!

  6. Kristi says:

    We are definitely loved. I appreciate your call to remove anything that might be keeping God’s love from washing over us.

  7. Jackie says:

    In my pain right now one of the things that have kept me strong was God’s love for me.

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