#8 Tinker Toys


I remember playing with Tinker Toys when I was little. My favorite thing to make was a swing set. I liked the fact that the toy parts could move even when they were connected together.

My boys have always loved making windmills and other invented contraptions. They also like going into the cupboard to hammer away on pretend nails, especially when they were younger. The children have sometimes added string to their inventions. Recently they made a working fishing pole.













I found several videos to inspire your children, just in case you already own Tinker Toys and don’t know what to do with them. I saw a fun catapult and a crane, both working great!

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2 Responses to “#8 Tinker Toys”

  1. Mother of 3 says:

    I remember using tinker toys too as well; they were a lot of fun.

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