Controlling Your Mind


The only way to conquer sin in your life is to learn to control your mind. All sin begins in the mind. Understand that your mind has a doorway, and that you can close the door on any thought. You don’t have to think whatever thoughts come into your head. None of us should be ruled by our emotions or by random thoughts, but we are to be ruled by the Spirit.

Philippians 2:12-13 says, “Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” (ESV) If you don’t assert your will over your thoughts, you are not actually working with God. Both you and God need to be working together to overcome sin. If you expect God to do everything when you aren’t even trying, you will be waiting in vain. You must seek God with all your heart and soul, forcing your will to do what’s right, and cry out to God. Then God does the miraculous work of transforming you in an impossible way.

Like I said, all sin starts in the mind, so if you can learn to “take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” (II Corinthians 10:5), you will have victory over sin. I bear witness that this has been true in my own life many times, and many mature believers confirm that the same has happened to them. They overcome sin in miraculous ways when they take their thoughts captive.

In the audio, I describe several instances from my life where I took thoughts captive to overcome sin. Here are some supporting articles that describe two of these situations in more detail:

The boomerang verse I referred to in the audio: “Those who guard their lips preserve their lives, but those who speak rashly will come to ruin.” Proverbs 13:3 NIV (I think there was a different verse that talked about gossip coming back on your own head, but I can’t find it! If you find it, please write it in the comments. It might not have been in Proverbs…)

Here is the next prayer audio in the Becoming a Prayer Warrior audio series:

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4 Responses to “Controlling Your Mind”

  1. Melissa says:

    This is such a great line! “If you expect God to do everything when you aren’t even trying, you will be waiting in vain.” This is such an important lesson to learn. We have to take an active part in the way we live our life.

  2. Julie says:

    This is true! Watching what you think makes a difference in your life. What you think is how you feel is how you act!

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