Decoupage a Breakfast Tray (with video tutorial!)


You can decoupage a breakfast tray to match the decor in your room! These trays are perfect gifts for friends and family because you can personalize them. For example, you can decoupage a camouflage tray for a man who likes the outdoors, and you can create a flowery tray for a woman who loves to throw tea parties! People who like blues can make a blue tray, and those who love greens can make a green tray. Librarians could receive a tray that has a scrapbooking paper with bookshelves full of books, and fishermen can get a tray with scrapbooking paper with fish on it!

Decoupage isn’t as hard as it sounds. All you do is tear pieces of paper, and then glue them on both sides and stick them down on the tray. You will definitely get your fingers sticky, but you can easily wash your hands when you are done.


It’s better to use Mod Podge (which you can get at any craft supply store), but you can also use white school glue if that’s all you have. You will want a plastic bowl that you can throw away, into which you will pour the Mod Podge or school glue.

You will also need a wooden tray that you have spray painted gold. Get a cheap sponge brush or any other paintbrush that you don’t mind throwing in the trash when you are done. It’s too hard to wash the glue off the brush, and honestly I don’t think the brush would ever be the same afterwards anyway!


Start tearing paper in order to create this marbleized look. We used three different pieces of scrapbooking paper that contained similar colors but contrasting patterns. While tearing the pieces, place the edges and corners in a separate pile, because this will make it easier to decoupage the corners and edges of the tray, which we did first. After gluing pieces around the edges (like a puzzle!), fill in the middle. Bush one last coat over the whole tray when you are finished. Let it dry overnight, and your beautiful breakfast tray is ready to use!

Video Tutorial: Decoupage a Breakfast Tray

Watch my daughter and I was we decoupage this beautiful breakfast tray:

This tray would be perfect for serving breakfast in bed!

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4 Responses to “Decoupage a Breakfast Tray (with video tutorial!)”

  1. Amy says:

    I love this idea! Would be so awesome for our poetry teatime:) I can see my boys picking a Star Wars theme;)

    • Susan says:

      Yes, you could easily find scrapbooking papers with outer space, and Star Wars photos can be printed from the computer. You could easily make a breakfast tray with that theme!

  2. Jen Dodrill says:

    How fun! I’ve never done this, but I think your directions look easy to follow. Thanks!

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