Huge List of Hands-on Activities for High School


It’s harder to find hands-on activities for high school than for elementary, but just because you are homeschooling teens doesn’t mean that your day has to be boring and tedious. Everyone learns better by doing–this is true for practical skills like driving and cooking, but also for academic knowledge like science and history. Take a look at our enormous list of fun hands-on activities for high school!

Hands-on High School Science Activities


High school sciences naturally lend themselves to hands-on activities because of the lab work required. But as you can see in the following list, you can also have fun with food, field trips, LEGOs, and even comedy to bring your science to life!



Human Anatomy

Hands-on High School History Activities


Each of these activities are applicable to high school ancient history, even though we did many of them before the kids were teens. You would just expect more detail on each of the projects, and maybe a demonstration of the projects in front of a group of peers studying the same time period:

Ancient Egypt

Ancient Greece

Ancient Rome

Middle Ages & Renaissance

Civil War

Modern History

Hands-on High School Geography Activities


Hands-on High School Math Activities

Hands-on Activities for High School Art


My high school students did a wonderful job with each of these famous artists, to learn their basic techniques and enjoy the works of the great artists:

I hope you enjoyed this huge list of hands-on activities for high school! Come back to this page often, as I will be adding more posts, including some new high school government posts with video demonstrations!


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12 Responses to “Huge List of Hands-on Activities for High School”

  1. Emily says:

    This is a great resource, Susan! My kids aren’t quite to this age yet, but I’m pinning this for later so I’ll have some hands-on ideas.

    • Susan says:

      I know that it’s harder to find hands-on activities for high school, so that’s why I pulled all these activities together to one page.

  2. Great list! I’m saving this for next year!

    • Susan says:

      My teen sons had a hilarious time posing for the above pictures, since I told them I needed photos under each heading for hands-on learning. Glad the list will come in handy!

  3. Lexi says:

    These look like such fun project ideas! I wish I could get more organized and get more projects done with my kids. I feel overwhelmed trying to collect supplies and then clean up afterward. Ugh! You are so inspiring!

    • Susan says:

      Once kids are in high school, they can gather their own supplies and do the hands-on activities on their own. They can even clean up their own mess. It’s great!

  4. Heidi says:

    This is a crazy great list of hands on things for high schoolers!

  5. Nadine says:

    This is an AMAZING list of resources and ideas for older kids! They often get forgotten about in the ‘hands on activities’ world. Definitely bookmarking this one to refer back to again!

  6. Thara says:

    I simply love to use ActivityVillage website. When my two are a bit older we will do a few free old exam papers in weekly lessons once a term. This is in order to let them work on doing exam questions under pressure. We will focus on improving other key skills too. Best wishes. I have previously looked at workbooks in a local bookshop in town once and felt very unsure.

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