How Food Affects Weight Loss


Everybody knows that to lose weight, you have to eat fewer calories. Even if you exercise every day, you might not lose weight if you don’t decrease your calories, especially in the area of junk food. I know a couple who have gone to the gym three times a week for years, and they haven’t lost weight. Why? Because they “like their desserts.” That’s what they say.

I’ve just been flabbergasted at the amount of weight I’ve lost so far this year. For me to lose 6 pounds in one month is ridiculous. I used to work out at the gym five days a week one summer, exercising so hard I wanted to puke. And for what? A lousy two pounds per month.

Fast forward to this January. I got sick. I was sick for at least half the month. I ate less food. That was it. I exercised maybe two or three times a week, sometimes zero if I had a fever. Honestly, it was easier to lose weight through eating less food than through tons of tedious exercise.

So now I’m much more careful what I eat. That way I don’t have to exercise every day, because who wants to do that? Not me. And to sustain that for the rest of my life? Nope. Not going to happen. People over 40 have to stop eating as much as they’ve always eaten, even though their stomach is the same size. Otherwise they blimp out. I just don’t want to be a statistic. I want to look good, even into my old age, but without resenting all the work to get there. My plan is to find more active things to do with my family, to exercise at least a couple of times a week, and to train my stomach to demand less food. We’ll see if my plan works.

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4 Responses to “How Food Affects Weight Loss”

  1. Lynda says:

    When I was in my thirties I lost most of the weight I gained from bad eating habits. Now that I am in my forties it is easier to keep off the weight because I started eating less early.

    I worked a lot more then also. I have found that exercising is too hard on my body now. Plus, I hate it. I think you are on the right track of finding more activities to do with the family. Not only is it fun, but strengthens the family bonds.

    I am glad to hear you are feeling better. Being sick drains so much of the joy from life. I look forward to hearing how it all works out for you.

    God bless you, Susan. You are in my prayers. Thank you for linking up to A Day In Our Life Blog Hop.

  2. Kim says:

    This is so true! I also don’t do a lot of exercise. It is an evil thing. 🙂 But I really watch what I eat. Sometimes I splurge but most of the time I am really careful. You can do it!

    By doing active things with your kids it teaches them to be active. All in all a great thing!

  3. Hi! Thanks for this! I REALLY needed it. I’m struggling to get the baby weight off and she’s 16 months old! I really need to lose this belly. I know I need to JUST STOP EATING junk, and your words were very encouraging! I’ve been exercising and the scale just isn’t moving, so I know I need to stop eating so much and chose wisely what I do eat.
    And also, thanks for following my blog. 🙂 I’m going to follow up here. You look like you have so many wonderful ideas going on over here! 🙂

  4. Annie Kate says:

    Yes, eating less is a great idea. Eating healthier food is even better. 🙂

    I love walking with my kids. It’s fun to bond while having acitve fun; that way you make memories and get fit at the same time.

    What a cool pipe-cleaner car that is!

    Annie Kate

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