Posts Tagged ‘Christian Living’

Organizing Your Prayer Life

Friday, January 3rd, 2014


Organizing your prayer life is important so that you can grow in the area of prayer. Set aside a consistent time each day to pray. It can be any time:

  • Early morning
  • During a lunch break
  • While exercising
  • In the evening before bed

Different systems you can use to organize your prayer requests: How do you want to organize your prayer requests for people? My favorite is visual prayer, but let me explain a few different systems to help you keep track of the people you pray for.

  1. Prayer journal: Spiral notebook, leather-bound book, binder with dividers for different categories of people in your life.
  2. Picture journal: Photos of people you pray for, glued to the top of each page in a binder, with their requests underneath.
  3. Recipe Box with 3 by 5 cards: Each card is a different person with requests for each person, with dividers for categories like family, friends, church, missionaries.
  4. Printed list: Typed up prayer requests of different people, or handwritten paper with everyone’s requests.
  5. Visual prayer: My favorite type of prayer, where you picture each person in your mind with their prayer requests pictured around them. You write nothing down. Each category has its own circle. For example, I picture the people from my Bible study sitting around a room, and I picture each person as I pray for them. I usually pray for people in the same order so I don’t forget them. It’s like mind mapping. I explain this more in the audio.

This is the way most of my personal prayers are structured:

  • Silence: Open my heart to God and be still for at least a minute.
  • Confess all known sin. Ask God for unknown sin.
  • Intercession interspersed with thanksgiving. This takes the majority of the time, where I intercede for other people, thanking God for answered requests when I get to those people in my prayers.
  • Praise and adoration: I usually do this through song, separately, unless it comes out spontaneously at the beginning when I have rested in silence before the Lord.

Here is the half-hour workshop on how to organize your prayer life:

For more prayer posts, follow my prayer page on Facebook.

Bible Reading Chart (Free PDF)

Wednesday, January 1st, 2014


This free Bible reading chart can be helpful as you are reading through the Bible, to see how much progress you are making. I like visual ones that have boxes for each chapter, so that you can color in the boxes as you go. My husband created this chart to help you as you read through the Bible this year:

My husband and I are attending a small group Bible study from our church, and we are reading through the Bible. Even though my husband and I have read through the Bible many times, we’ve never read the entire Bible with each other as a couple before. It’s fun taking turns reading to each other and commenting on what we are reading. Simply reading the Bible can draw couples closer together spiritually, especially when you pray together as a couple. (Exception: the dry genealogies–you might want to play those on audio off your cell phone, so you don’t have to figure out how to say all those names! My husband sets his cell phone on the coffee table, and we listen to a free Bible app.)

Depending on what you are going through in your life, different things will pop out at you. Since I’ve been teaching about prayer this past year, every verse about prayer seems to pop out at me. I’m surprised by how many times fasting is connected to prayer, as I never noticed that before.

Other times I’ve been convicted of specific sins while reading the Bible. My eyes have been opened to all the verses about anger, and what results from it.

Reading through the entire Bible in one year will help you get a sweeping panorama of history and how God has worked throughout the ages, to give you a more complete picture of God.

God Provides Through Prayer

Friday, December 6th, 2013


Scripture tells us that God provides through prayer, and that we do not receive because we do not ask. (James 4:2) God wants us to come to Him through prayer (Philippians 4:6), and He often chooses not to act until we pray. God has provided for me so many times in my life, specific prayer requests for what I needed. God hears and answers our prayers when we seek Him first. (Matthew 6:33)

The key to God answering your prayers for provision is to give your finances completely to God. This is important, because unless you believe that all of your money belongs to God, you will not have God’s miraculous provision. People that think their money belongs to them often squander their money and then expect God to meet their needs. But they never asked God how to spend His money. They spent their money on self-indulgence (James 5:5) and then had no money left over for food and bills. God will not provide for you when you are a fool.

Of course, the opposite can also be true. You can not spend money on anything and be a complete Scrooge, causing your family to suffer by shivering in the cold because you want to save more money to have a large pile of money in the bank.

This happened to me back before I was married. I considered that my money belonged to me. Because I suffered to save my money, there was no way I would give any of it away. When you ration food to squirrel away money, and you physically suffer to get it, it feels too out of control to give it to someone else who might squander it. I didn’t suffer so that somebody else can squander my money. So I clung to my money as if it belonged to me and not to God. This is one problem with hoarding money. Jesus talks about this in Luke 12:20, where He rebukes the man who dies with a huge pile of money next to him.

I didn’t realize that God actually gave me breath, health, sleep, and talents, and that He could easily take any of these away at any time. My labor is directly related to what God gives me, because He is the one that enables me to work. God owns me because He is Creator. Of course, all the money I make belongs to God.

It was not until I didn’t have enough money to pay bills for 10 years (and I was drowning in debt) that I finally came to a place where I was able to say, “I don’t care if I lose everything and live in a cardboard box with my husband and 4 children.” We were on the point of bankruptcy, and God provided a miracle by changing my heart. I had a deep peace while spiraling further into debt. (I tell this full story in Don’t Fight Over Finances.)

Yielding yourself to God (including your finances) full blast is what opens the floodgates of heaven on your behalf. Because when you seek first His kingdom, He promises that all these things will be added to you. What things? Food, clothing, and everything else you need that is mentioned in Matthew 6:25-34.

Listen to this prayer audio to understand how God provides through prayer:

During the audio, I mention the testimony of God’s provision by giving me back my honeymoon from the rapist. This free audio is here: A Getaway with Your Husband.

God truly does provide for us! I promise this is true if you will only yield to Him in the area of finances. I didn’t even mention George Muller, who prayed each day for food for His orphans, and God provided. Or Corrie Ten Boom, who flew over to the U.S. and didn’t know a single person, but God provided all her needs miraculously. All the way through Scripture, God shows how He is able to provide when situations appear desperate. Our God is our Abba Father, and He owns the universe. Trust Him to meet your needs by yielding to Him!

Excuses for Not Praying

Friday, November 29th, 2013


So many Christians give excuses for not praying. They think that they are too busy, that their prayers won’t change anything, or that God doesn’t command us to pray. They don’t realize that they are walking in disobedience to God, and that they will not walk in victory over sin unless they are people of prayer.

My women’s prayer Bible study brainstormed a list of reasons why people don’t pray. After each reason, I debunk each of these excuses, and giving true reasons that you should pray. Afterwards I give you an audio workshop on prayer, giving examples and bringing to life how we are to avoid excuses in our lives.

Excuses for Not Praying

  1. Not enough time. Rebuttal: God gives our time back and helps us to prioritize what is truly important. God energizes us to accomplish what we need to do.
  2. Mind wanders aimlessly. Rebuttal: Take control over your mind. You don’t have to be ruled by aimless thoughts. Praying out loud or writing down a stray thought can help to keep your mind focused.
  3. Apathy, not caring about people. Rebuttal: Praying causes you to love others, so pray anyway, and the love will come. Ask God to help you care. God will change your heart if you ask Him.
  4. Selfishness, obsessed with our own lives. Rebuttal: Repent of the sin of selfishness.
  5. Fear of having sin exposed. Rebuttal: You must have your sin exposed and confessed for God to get rid of it, to have a real relationship with God. God will not hear our prayers when we are walking in overt sin. (Psalm 66:18)
  6. Angry at God. Rebuttal: If you are angry at God for allowing your child to die or allowing you to go through other horrendous pain, be honest with God, and ask Him to remove your rage, and He will. God is not out to harm you, but to draw you closer to Himself. (Jeremiah 29:11)
  7. Guilt. Rebuttal: Learn the difference between true guilt and false guilt. True guilt is from something specific you haven’t repented of yet. False guilt is a general feeling of defeat from the enemy.
  8. God is silent; He is not answering my prayers. Rebuttal: Maybe God is answering in a different way than you expected.
  9. Belief that it doesn’t change things. Rebuttal: Repent of not believing God. James 1:6-8 says a double-minded man gets nothing. Ask God for more faith to believe that He is powerful enough (and loves you enough) to answer your prayers.
  10. Laziness, too much of a burden. Rebuttal: Repent of the sin of laziness.
  11. Boredom. Rebuttal: Wow… you’re talking with the Creator of the universe, the All-Powerful, and you are bored? Ask God to reveal Himself to you, and you will never be the same. Get to know Him through Scripture, and you will be amazed by Him!
  12. Improper understanding of God as Father. Rebuttal: Unconsciously we relate to God the Father with the same patterns that we saw in our earthly fathers. If your earthly father was distant, you feel distant. If your earthly father was abusive, you think God is out to get you. If your earthly father was hard to please, you always feel like you have to perform for God. Get to know God for who He is through Scripture.
  13. Tired, exhaustion. Rebuttal: God gives inward strength. Are we spending our strength on things that don’t matter for eternity?

Here is the audio workshop, where I explain how to overcome each of these excuses:

To keep up with prayer posts, here is my Prayer Facebook Page.