Posts Tagged ‘New Jerusalem’

LEGO New Jerusalem

Friday, November 6th, 2015


When studying the book of Revelation with your kids, you can have them build a LEGO New Jerusalem. This will help them to visualize what it will be like. It is a city with square walls. So you will build a wall around the city, with three gates on each of the four sides.

A river runs through the city. The river flows from the throne of God. The Tree of Life is also along this river, and its leaves give healing to the nations. All of our tears will be wiped away, and there will be no more crying or pain.


If you look at the bottom LEGO base, you can picture each of the bumps as buildings in the city of God. These would be the mansions that Jesus mentions to His disciples:

Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also. -John 14:1-3 NASB

You can also choose to make larger buildings with individual LEGOs, making streets and neighborhoods. You have now completed your LEGO New Jerusalem.

If you would like to make drawings or crafts of the New Jerusalem, here are a few more activities you might enjoy:

New Jerusalem Drawing

Friday, December 5th, 2014

new-jerusalem-drawingMy children did a New Jerusalem drawing after reading the last two chapters of Revelation. The city was built as a cube, and it was lowered from the sky. Each of the sides of the city had three doors, for a total of twelve doors, representing the tribes of Israel. Each gate was made with a single pearl. And there was no need for any sun, because the glory of the Lord filled the city!

new-jerusalem-drawing-2The New Jerusalem is a proper city with buildings and mansions because Jesus said that He was going to prepare a place for us to live with Him. “In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14:4 KJV

new-jerusalem-drawing-3God will sit on a throne, and the River of Life would flow through the city. The Tree of Life will be in the middle of the river and on both sides, with the leaves bringing healing to the nations.

new-jerusalem-drawing-4If you want to make a 3-dimensional model of the New Jerusalem, you can get the instructions here:

New-Jerusalem-modelIf you are looking for more crafts for the book of Revelation, I also have a Tree of Life craft:

The most delightful part of being in the New Jerusalem is being in the presence of God and the absence of sin. There will be no more crying and no more pain. To be in the presence of Jesus will be such exquisite joy!

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To see all the other posts from this series, see 31 Days of Drawing through the Bible.