Posts Tagged ‘poster’

Making a Patriotic Collage

Monday, July 2nd, 2012


Making a Patriotic Collage

To make a patriotic collage, start with a poster board or large piece of construction paper. I like to choose a color instead of starting with white. My kids chose blue, but you could also start with red. It should be one of the colors of the American flag. Now cut out pictures from magazines that remind you of being an American, like an eagle, Mount Rushmore, or some American soldiers. You can do the entire collage just with pictures from magazines, with people eating apple pie, playing baseball, or doing any other typical American activity.


Write “America” on the top in bubble letters, and color in the letters with red, white, and blue crayons or colored pencils. You could also cut out bubble letters from construction paper or use large alphabet stickers instead. You can add patriotic cloth or napkins with the American flag to add texture. Color a map of the United States, and cut it out and glue it to your poster. Overlap all your pictures so that there is no poster showing except for the title. Now your gorgeous patriotic collage is finished. Hang it up on the wall for everyone to enjoy.

Visual Goals for the New Year

Saturday, January 1st, 2011

Last year I watched a YouTube video (made by my friend Beth Jones) of how to make a vision board. She basically showed how to cut out pictures from magazines to symbolize goals you have for yourself for the new year. She says that people accomplish their goals when they can see what their goals are. So I decided to make a display of my visual goals for the new year.

  1. I want to continue drawing closer to God, yielding to His Spirit moment by moment.
  2. I would like to go on more dates with my husband this year.
  3. I want to stop yelling at my children. I’ve grown a lot in this area, but by the end of the year, I want to be at a point where I never yell whatsoever. Wouldn’t that be cool?
  4. I want to listen to my children more, to understand their heartbeat and deepen their walk with God.
  5. I found a magazine picture that said, “Don’t let your virtual life distract you from the real thing.” I want to live, to really live. My business could easily take over every spare moment of my day, and I don’t want to live a virtual life. I want my life to be real.
  6. I saw another picture in a magazine that had a woman holding a clock. It said, “Instead of racing against the clock, slow down and savor everyday moments.” I want to live in the moment and to enjoy my husband and children, really enjoy them.
  7. I have a picture of a garden because I’d like to spend more time in the garden and make it look prettier, so that we have a peaceful haven just outside our own house.
  8. I have a picture of a family riding bicycles to symbolize the fact that I want to lose 17 pounds. I was my ideal weight last January (and my whole life I’ve been skinny), but somehow turning 40 has changed my body. Or maybe sorrow did it. Regardless, I will exercise more, eat right,  and go on  the 12K marathon in May.
  9. I want to laugh more.
  10. Yes, I have a picture of money. The expenditure of my business this coming year, for vendor tables at conferences,  to powerpoint equipment, to burning my DVD’s and CD’s, all this will cost over $2,000. I must make over this amount just to make ends meet and not have my family damaged financially from my business. I would love, love, love to have a second honeymoon with my darling husband this coming summer. I’d like to go to the Bahamas. Our real honeymoon was a disaster because of the sin of another man, and it doesn’t seem fair that our honeymoon was spoiled by the rapist. I just want my honeymoon back. The first money I make from my business (after tithing to God) will be a trip to the Bahamas! (I might have to put this off until next year, but I included it in my vision board, because I want it to come true so badly.)