Women’s Tea Party


A few years ago, our church’s annual women’s tea party took place at a beautiful English garden. This year the prediction was for rain, so the tea party had to take place indoors. Last year I went alone, not knowing that little girls were invited. This year I decided to take my mother and my daughter. The large round tables had a purple potted plant in the middle, along with a pretty scarf and a few roses tossed around. The candles were tea lights in little glass containers. The entire table was covered with a purple tablecloth with a lace tablecloth on top of it.

There was no structure to the tea party, and I liked it better because we could just relax, eat pretty food, and fellowship with other women. Girls in their teens were serving tables, so you didn’t even have to get up to serve yourself.

The scones with clotted cream were absolutely delicious. There were many different kinds of sandwiches that tasted very interesting, like ham and jelly in the same sandwich. They were actually quite good. Heart-shaped cookies tasted like Reece’s peanut butter cups, and they were drizzled with chocolate. Lemon squares and miniature cupcakes were also served. It was an absolutely lovely atmosphere.


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4 Responses to “Women’s Tea Party”

  1. I love the fun of tea parties. It is so special for young girls and (slightly) older girls as well.

  2. Kristen H says:

    This is such a great idea. I remember sitting and drinking coffee (mostly milk) out of a tea cup with my grandmom. Felt so special.

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