Cardboard Labyrinth with Lights


This is one of the most elaborate and exciting mazes I’ve ever seen: a cardboard labyrinth with lights, including black lights! You will need quite a large area, because the bigger the maze, the more fun it is. You can start collecting cardboard boxes from appliance stores and Costco several months before the event. You can set up your maze outside if you want, but then you will have more difficulty in lighting it up with desk lamps, black lights, and even white Christmas lights.

This cardboard labyrith was built in a church, where there was plenty of space. There should be an entrance, an exit, and many twists and turns with several dead ends. You can mark the entrance with a black Sharpie marker above the doorway.


Then you need many spools of packing tape and duct tape. Duct tape is stronger and preferred, but packing tape is also fine and costs less. Set up all the boxes first without taping anything, just in case you change your mind on the design. Once everything is in place, you can start taping the boxes together.


It’s nice to have a light at the end of a tunnel, and a desk lamp works perfect for that. You can place those in the corners. Cut a hole in the top of the corner cardboard box and place a plastic plate on top of it. (You can get those at a dollar store.) This is so that the kids don’t burn themselves on the light bulb. If the dish is a red see-through color, the light will look red.


You can also use black lights to make one of the corridors super cool. Cut holes in the tops of the boxes and place the black lights on top.


This will add ambience, and the kids’ light-colored clothes will glow.


It’s a good idea to use chairs or other furniture at the junctions, to keep the labyrinth from coming undone.


When you exit the maze, you feel like you have truly had an adventure!


Our family has constructed so many fun things with boxes over the years, so we really enjoyed this lit-up cardboard labyrinth!

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2 Responses to “Cardboard Labyrinth with Lights”

  1. Thara says:

    This is fun. I love science.

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