Every woman needs a good mentor, preferably with gray hair. Gray hair proves that you’ve lived a long time, and that you have perspective on life, on what is important and what isn’t. I just love hanging out with old geezers, and I say that with all the love in my heart. Go find one at your church. You’ll see what I mean.
My mentor actually isn’t that old. I made her sound like she’s decrepit. She’s probably only 60. Which is young. (ahem)
That was me clearing my throat. Just in case she’s reading this.
All kidding aside, I have leaned on my mentor in times of distress in my life, where she gave me an outside perspective. If you have huge sorrow or some other problem that your husband is sick of hearing about, it really helps to have a woman friend who understands another human being who has hormones. Often my mentor will tell me something life-changing, and I’ll go run and tell my husband.
“That’s what I told you. How come you have to have a woman tell you for you to accept it?” my husband would say.
“Huh? I don’t remember you telling me that,” I would respond, to which he would insist, “I did.”
Basically, God wants to get through to you, and you sometimes have a mental block against male words that don’t seem to make sense because they’re so brief and said in an off-handed manner while you’re making dinner and unloading the dishwasher at the same time. But then your mentor says the same thing, and she settles in and says it in girl language, and then it suddenly all makes sense.
By the way, this does not replace your relationship with your husband as spiritual leader over you in any way. This is in addition to your husband, because Scripture commands us to have relationships with other believers in the body of Christ.
(Stay tuned for part 2…)