Archive for the ‘Christian Living’ Category

My Gray-Haired Mentor (Part 1)

Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

Every woman needs a good mentor, preferably with gray hair. Gray hair proves that you’ve lived a long time, and that you have perspective on life, on what is important and what isn’t. I just love hanging out with old geezers, and I say that with all the love in my heart. Go find one at your church. You’ll see what I mean.

My mentor actually isn’t that old. I made her sound like she’s decrepit. She’s probably only 60. Which is young. (ahem)

That was me clearing my throat. Just in case she’s reading this.

All kidding aside, I have leaned on my mentor in times of distress in my life, where she gave me an outside perspective. If you have huge sorrow or some other problem that your husband is sick of hearing about, it really helps to have a woman friend who understands another human being who has hormones. Often my mentor will tell me something life-changing, and I’ll go run and tell my husband.

“That’s what I told you. How come you have to have a woman tell you for you to accept it?” my husband would say.

“Huh? I don’t remember you telling me that,” I would respond, to which he would insist, “I did.”

Basically, God wants to get through to you, and you sometimes have a mental block against male words that don’t seem to make sense because they’re so brief and said in an off-handed manner while you’re making dinner and unloading the dishwasher at the same time. But then your mentor says the same thing, and she settles in and says it in girl language, and then it suddenly all makes sense.

By the way, this does not replace your relationship with your husband as spiritual leader over you in any way. This is in addition to your husband, because Scripture commands us to have relationships with other believers in the body of Christ.

(Stay tuned for part 2…)

It was for Freedom that Christ Set Us Free

Monday, October 24th, 2011

christ-set-us-free“It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1)

The Pharisees were people who made up rules that were based on the Bible so that the rules themselves would keep people from sinning. People couldn’t be trusted to do the right thing and follow their conscience. We all know how Jesus felt about all those rules. He was violently opposed to them.

The Pharisees continually criticized people for things that they felt convinced were sins. Jesus called the people who kept the rules and looked down on the people who didn’t “brood of vipers,” “whitewashed walls,” and “tombs of dead men’s bones.” Jesus was venomous towards people who made up rules that were based on the Bible. He didn’t want those rules in place. He wanted us to yoke ourselves to the Spirit of God, and where the Spirit of God is, there is freedom. (2 Corinthians 3:17)

Well-meaning modern-day Pharisees, especially in the homeschool movement, have been putting more and more anvils on people’s backs, so much so that walking by the Spirit no longer is the main thing. Here are some of the rules:

  • Get rid of your TV.
  • Have the largest family possible, even when it means defying your husband.
  • Don’t wear clothes that draw men’s attention. Wear frumpy clothes, even if your husband is not pleased with the way you dress.
  • Don’t play any video games.
  • Alcohol is sin, even if Jesus drank it.
  • You must have family devotions, or the husband is not godly. There is no other way to lead spiritually besides this dictated, approved form.

Whoever does these things, boasts, making the people who don’t do these things feel like they are less spiritual, even if God has convicted them of the opposite. I’ve seen many people feeling deeply defeated after attending homeschool conferences, because so much is demanded of them, and the speakers have lost sight of the fact that Christ came to set us free, not to put us into bondage.

If God has actually convicted you of these things, you need to obey God. I’ve seen godly people on both sides of each of these issues. You are free to yield to God.

Modern-day Pharisees make up these rules because they correctly see idolatry in the general population in each of these areas. What they don’t understand is that when you yield freely to Christ, all the heart issues are taken care of. Seek first the kingdom of God, and all the rest will follow. We will be doing the right thing if we are led by the Spirit.

The sad tragedy is that all these rules bog people down and drive people away from God and to a form of self-righteousness where people list all the things they’ve given up and compare notes with other people. It gives people a false sense of superiority while pushing down people who so desperately want to follow Christ but give up because they feel continuously defeated.

“For if anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself.” (Galatians 6:3)

“You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace.” (Galatians 5:4)

Is Jesus Lord of Your Life?

Friday, October 21st, 2011

is-jesus-lord-of-your-life“Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you– unless indeed you fail the test?” II Corinthians 13:5

Is Jesus Lord of your life? Many people think they’re saved when they’re not. That’s why we’re supposed to “work out our salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12-13) even though our salvation is secure (Romans 8:30). Knowing that Jesus died on the cross for your sin doesn’t mean you’re saved. Satan knows that Jesus died on the cross for sinners. He knows it for a fact. “The demons believe and shudder.” (James 2:19) So if you don’t care about sinning, if you sin on purpose and have no remorse, then Jesus is not Lord of your life.

Just in case you’ve been reading my articles and don’t understand the spiritual things that I’m saying, or if you’ve never truly given your life to Christ, I plead with you to open your heart to what I’m about to say, because it will radically change your life. When God lives inside of you, you have peace with God, and the Holy Spirit will begin to transform you. People who are truly close to God, you can see it in their faces. It’s almost like their faces are glowing. When Christ rules your life, you can be set free from the power of sin because He paid the price for it.

The first step in salvation is to understand your own depravity, the fact that you sin and are unable to stop sinning. You must recognize your own selfishness, because all sin really boils down to selfishness. You like to think of yourself as good, but you’re really not.

Then you must realize that God is holy. He has no sin. He radiates love, joy, and peace in all directions, and He is so spectacular that even the angels block their eyes in His presence. Ezekiel and John both describe rainbows coming out of Him. And anyone who stands in the presence of God gets struck dead, because God can’t endure sin.

Jesus Christ has an enormous love for you that is so huge, it can cover all the pain you’ve ever had. To know the love of Christ is so incredible, because you must realize that He died on the cross to pay the penalty for every sin you’ve ever committed. He died, was buried, and rose on the third day. This is the good news.  God is coming to judge the earth, and if Jesus is Lord of your life, this will be a time of joy. If not, it will be a time of terror.

If you would like to make Jesus Lord of your life, just start talking to God, even if it sounds weird. Blurt out whatever prayer comes out. Be honest with God, and He will meet you where you are. You don’t need a formula prayer.

“If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9

Then grab your Bible and start reading. It will come alive to you and be so exciting. I think I like “Luke” the best if you’ve never read your Bible, because “John” is too surreal for a beginner. You also need to ask God to help you find a church, or you will never grow. If you’ve been a believer for years and you’ve stopped going to church, I’m slapping you upside the head (verbally) and telling you that God requires you to go to church or you will stagnate like a cesspool. (Hebrews 10:25)

Are Christians Moochers?

Thursday, October 6th, 2011

At the risk of ticking off my entire community, here is a letter I just wrote: (name changed to protect the innocent)

Dear Sarah,

I hope you’re not mad about what I said about Christians being moochers, but unfortunately I have found it to be true. Christians expect something for nothing. I have delivered workshops for free for years, and God called me to start my business. And yet, even though everyone’s eyes in my audience dance with joy when they hear me speak, most don’t spend a single penny. One time a vendor table cost me $100, and I only made $80, so I lost $20 and still had to pay tax and cost of product. A woman came up to my table and pumped me for my whole workshop on overcoming math frustration. After taking lots of notes, she walked away, not buying my $5 workshop, and thinking she was godly for not spending money. I felt used.

I guess what made me upset on Sunday is that we tithed twice because the previous month we forgot our checkbook, and by the next week we had no money. So 20% of our paycheck is gone, and we have my daughter’s medical bills. I am not worried about money. God has always provided in the past, and even if He doesn’t, I will draw closer to God by living on the street with my family. What I’m upset about is that if I did not have my Christian business, I would have over $3000 extra. My Christian business is harming my family financially. And yet I get tons of e-mails telling me how women are drawing closer to God because of what I’m posting. To God be the glory. I will continue to follow God even when it hurts my family. But I feel used.

That’s all I was saying. And Sarah, I love you, even if you disagree with me. And I hope that you still love me. Feel free to speak your mind. I was never in it for the money, but I certainly didn’t expect it to hurt my family financially when I was obeying God. My dad said, “Susan, what if God wanted you to start the website, and the only way He knew you would do it is by having your family nearly go bankrupt to cause you start the business? What if you will never make money at this?”

I said, “I will continue to follow God, even if it is to financial ruin.”