Garden of Eden Terrarium


When you teach your children about the Garden of Eden in Genesis, why not make a unique terrarium? You can use real plants to make a beautiful garden inside a glass salad bowl or any other large glass container or jar. Cascading tiny flowers would add a beautiful touch.

If you want to keep the Garden of Eden terrarium alive for longer than a day, you will want to put a layer of small pebbles on the bottom for drainage. Then add good gardening soil, adding the plants one by one, putting the larger plants in the back and the smaller ones in the front. Feel free to let the plants grow upward and out of the jar, overlapping the sides. Then add plastic animals throughout the terrarium. Imagine how God felt as He created the world for the first time, with the angels singing for joy in the background (Job 38:7)


Read about the creation of the beautiful Garden of Eden, about the rivers that watered the land, about the fruit-bearing trees, and about what happened when Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden tree in Genesis chapters 1-3.

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10 Responses to “Garden of Eden Terrarium”

  1. Anita says:

    I wish I could keep plants alive. I kill everything, even a catus. LOL

    • Susan says:

      I kill indoor plants, too, except for the ones that say “thrives under neglect.” Those are hardy and pretty easy to take care of. 🙂

  2. Tamala says:

    What a creative way to supplement learning about the Garden of Eden! I think activities like this (planting, gardening) are so important for children. In a way it teaches appreciation for nature at a very early age. I remember planting and taking care of the little creatures (the snails that lived there) from day care. It perhaps explains why I am so in love with trees and plants to this day.. because I was introduced to their magic at a tender age of 3.

    Thank you for this creative idea 🙂

  3. This is a timely post for me (regarding the terrarium) as I just transitioned from a decent amount of land (a 117 acres farm) to the city, where I’m finding some challenges dealing with a whole lot less space (mainly container gardening). Doing terrariums over the winter might be a fun activity. Thanks for the tips. It’s nice to meet a fellow UBC participant.

  4. Amanda says:

    What a great idea! I think my youngest would love this project. Thanks!

  5. Kelly says:

    Thank you so much for this series. Lots of neat things here! Kelly

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