Faith and Hope in Prayer

March 18th, 2016

faith-and-hope-in-prayerHow do faith and hope relate to prayer?

Are you in the middle of a trial, something that you’ve been praying for that relies on God working on another human being… and there is nothing you can do about it? You have to commit your way to the Lord. You have to continue seeking Him. When that trial drags on and on and on, how do you keep your faith in God? How do you keep from giving up hope?

We can put our hope in God. Scriptural hope is strong and secure. It’s not a wishful thinking. Hope is solid like cement. I’m talking about spiritual hope in God and in His promises that are ironclad. For example, if you are saved and your life has been transformed by God, you have the hope of heaven. This doesn’t mean you are wishing that you might go to heaven–no–you know for certain because Scripture promises eternal life when we make Jesus Lord of our lives. The hope of eternal life is a certainty. Heaven is something that is secure.

In the promises of God, if we align our will to God’s will, God promises to answer us:

And this is the confidence that we have toward Him, that if we ask anything according to His will he hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of Him.  1 John 5:14-15 ESV

Our hope, then, is in God and His Word. If God is not a liar, He will accomplish what He has set out to do, and we know His will through the pages of Scripture. A command in Scripture is the will of God, so if you ask God to help you to obey Him, He will answer. If you ask God to repair your marriage, God’s will is that a husband and wife be one, so He will answer you. The timing is the only thing we have no control over. Otherwise we are to pray without ceasing until the will of God is done in our lives. We have faith that God will do so.

Faith and Hope in Prayer (Video # 11)

To follow my prayer posts, like my Prayer page on Facebook, YouTube, and Google+.

Resurrection Cake

March 14th, 2016


Why not make a resurrection cake to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on Easter? It’s super easy to make. First you will want to bake a cake of any flavor. Frost the cake with chocolate frosting to represent dirt. Grab some Kit Kat chocolate bars, or similar cookies or chocolates that you can break apart to form crosses. I tried to stand them up, but unless you glue the pieces of the cross together, it will fall apart. It’s simpler just to lay them down.

A piece of Kit Kat fell apart on the counter, and it looked like the sign that would have been above the cross of Jesus, the one that would have said, “King of the Jews.” So I glued it with chocolate frosting to the top of the center cross.

I bought a package of chocolate Ding Dongs, and I used one for the tomb, setting it on its side. I used a white powdered doughnut for the rolled-away stone. Your cake is ready to serve!

If you are looking for more on the resurrection of Jesus, take a look at these fun hands-on activities:

The Importance of Silence in Prayer

March 11th, 2016


In our society, there is so much noise. We have saturated our lives with noise from the radio, from TVs blaring, from social media, from endless other streams of noise. The constant noise and running from one place to another has crowded out our lives so much that there is no longer silence. Silence is the place where you can hear God.

If you have no silence in your life, it is not possible for you to hear God. You must reduce your noise pollution. We need to be pro-active in seeking silence and resting in silence before the Lord.

The Importance of Silence in Prayer (Video #10)

When you are praying, make sure you allow time for silence before God, just to be in His presence. This is especially true when you need wisdom from God, or you are meditating on a Scripture that you want to become real in your life. You will not be able to process spiritual things unless you relax in the presence of God in silence, in an un-rushed state. You will maximize your spiritual growth if you allow yourself to abide in silence before the Lord.

God ministers to me through prayer in the midst of silence. Silence is my favorite part of prayer because it is peaceful. I am seeking to connect with the Lord. It is sweet.

Sometimes His presence, just who He is–the fruit of the Spirit–is all you need. You get filled up with God Himself in the silence. More of God in my life is usually the answer to all my prayers. I become who I’m supposed to be. This is why Jesus says that if we ask for a loaf of bread, He will give us what we need, and He later says that what we really need is the Holy Spirit’s fresh filling, which He grants to those who ask (Matthew 7:9-11; Luke 11:11-13).

To follow my prayer posts, like my Prayer page on Facebook, YouTube, and Google+.

101 Paper Crafts

March 7th, 2016


My daughter is constantly making things out of paper, so I thought I would showcase some of her creativity. We have also done murals and been involved in activities at Vacation Bible School that can give you more ideas for crafts to make with paper.

We have done crafts for different time periods, countries, creative writing, art, science topics, and even Bible stories. I’ve divided our paper crafts into these categories:

History Paper Crafts

Science Paper Crafts

Geography Paper Crafts

Bible Paper Crafts

Creative Writing Paper Crafts

Art Paper Crafts

Christmas Paper Crafts