Paper Dress

paper-dressWhen I was little, my best friend made a paper dress for one of my plays. Of course, it tore when I sat down. But for some reason I have fond memories of making paper clothing. It’s almost like we were large dolls, and we were dressing ourselves with paper outfits that you cut out, bending the tabs back.

My daughter made a beautiful paper dress the other day. I used the same pattern I made for the Bible Costume in Five Minutes, which was made from a bed sheet. This time we used a roll of brown paper, folding it at the top where the shoulders would be. We cut the sleeves into a T-shape.

The kids started drawing and coloring designs on the paper dress, filling it in with colorful markers. They had a great time. When it was finished, we taped the sides and the bottom of the sleeves with clear packing tape. You could use staples instead if you want.

Your daughter will need to put her hands up as you lower the paper dress over her head. Then her arms will stick straight out like a paper doll. But won’t she look cute! You can add embellishments, like fake jewels or other textured art materials. You could even hot glue some large buttons onto the dress.




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2 Responses to “Paper Dress”

  1. Looks like a coat of many colors! 🙂 I need another roll of big paper. I keep thinking of things we could do with it and remember we’re out.

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