Posts Tagged ‘Daniel’

Fiery Furnace Cake

Monday, February 8th, 2016


When reading the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego in the book of Daniel, why not make a Fiery Furnace cake to bring the story to life? I baked a rectangular cake and frosted it with chocolate icing. Then I tinted some white vanilla frosting with red food coloring. I placed a circle of red icing in the middle of the cake.

We cut flame shapes of fruit roll-ups and stood them on end into the red icing. (Make sure you buy the roll-ups in red, orange, or yellow.) If you want to make the flames more rigid, you can choose to not remove the paper backing. But be sure to warn the people eating the cake that the paper is still on.

Of course, you will need to add three LEGO figures, or you can use toy people from any other building set. You will want to have a fourth LEGO figure as well.

Now light some candles, so that you see actual fire coming from the fiery furnace. Red, orange, or yellow candles would be perfect. Turn out the lights and set those candles on fire. When you blow out the flames, place the fourth figure (Jesus) into the furnace. Then turn on the lights. At this point you can tell the children that God saved the lives of these three men, and that He was with them in the midst of the fire. In the same way in our lives, God is with us in the midst of our suffering, and He will bring us through it.

Daniel Unit Study

Wednesday, October 8th, 2014


For our Daniel Unit Study, we dramatized many of the events, drew pictures, and made interesting crafts. These are some of the most famous stories in the book of Daniel:

  • Daniel and his Friends Brought to Babylon
  • Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream: Prophetic Statue
  • Fiery Furnace
  • Nebuchadnezzar Goes Insane
  • The Writing on the Wall
  • Daniel and the Lion’s Den
  • The Visions of Daniel: End Times

Daniel and his Friends Brought to Babylon

When the book of Daniel starts, Nebuchadnezzar has just captured Jerusalem and set it on fire. He takes the court officials, the best of the best, back to his palace in Babylon. Daniel and his three friends are some of these youths. They decide not to defile themselves with the king’s food, and they end up being healthy and the wisest in the kingdom.

Here is a video clip that will help you to envision this event:

Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream: Prophetic Statue

King Nebuchadnezzar has a dream which no one can interpret. He demands that the magicians and wise men tell him what his dream was. When no one answers him, he gives an order to kill all the wise men in Babylon. Finally Daniel steps forward and interprets the dream. You can make a model of the statue from Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The directions for this activity are here: Prophetic Statue from Daniel.


Fiery Furnace


Soon after having a dream about a statue, King Nebuchadnezzar makes a large gold statue of himself, which he forces everyone to bow down and worship. When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refuse to bow to the statue, the king becomes so angry that he throws them into a furnace. But God miraculously saves them. To find out how to make a diorama about this story, click here: Fiery Furnace Craft.


Here is a video clip that will help you to envision the Fiery Furnace event:

Nebuchadnezzar Goes Insane

King Nebuchadnezzar is so prideful that God strikes him with insanity. He chews grass. After a while, he regains his sanity and praises and glorifies God. One of my sons drew a picture of the king going insane and eating grass.

nebuchadnezzar-eating-grassThe Writing on the Wall

The next story is Belshazzar’s Feast, where Belshazzar is using the utensils and goblets from the Temple. A disembodied hand writes on the wall, and Belshazzar frieks out. Daniel interprets the writing, and it is a prophecy that Belshazzar would be conquered. He is conquered that very night! My oldest son drew a picture of the writing on the wall.


Here is a video clip that will help you envision the scene of the writing on the wall:

Daniel and the Lion’s Den

Daniel begins serving the new king Darius, who has conquered Belshazzar. The people in high positions in government are jealous of Daniel and have Darius pass a decree that anyone who prays to anyone other than the king will be cast into the lion’s den. Since Daniel prays three times a day with the windows open, he is arrested and thrown into the lion’s den. But God saves his life by stopping the mouths of the lions, and the conspirators are eaten by the lions instead.

If you would like to do this simple craft about the story, you can find it here: Daniel and the Lion’s Den.


The Visions of Daniel: End Times

The final chapters of Daniel include prophecies of the End Times that fit into the book of Revelation. Daniel is reading the book of Jeremiah when he finds out that 70 years had expired, and that the Jews were supposed to return to Jerusalem after 70 years. Daniel prays and confesses the sins of his people, and he lives to see the day when Ezra takes the first group of thousands of Jews back to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple:

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If you liked this Daniel Unit Study, you will love the huge Bible section inside the Unit Study Treasure Vault!

Prophetic Statue from Daniel

Saturday, October 19th, 2013


To understand the prophecies of the different nations that would rule after Babylon, you can make a prophetic statue from Daniel with your children. Teach your children about history and how God’s prophecies always come true. The head of the statue was gold, representing Babylon. The chest was silver, representing the Medo-Persian Empire that conquered Babylon the same night that the writing on the wall happened. The Greek Empire was represented by brass, and Alexander the Great conquered all the known world at the time. Then the Roman Empire came next, which was represented by iron. This was during the time that Jesus was born. The Holy Roman Empire followed, which had clay mixed with iron, and that kingdom would eventually crumble because it had weaknesses, being too spread out.

To make this prophetic statue from Daniel, you will need the following items:

  • white self-hardening clay
  • a plastic placemat for underneath
  • a clay sculpting tool (or a table knife)
  • paint and paintbrush (or spray paint) in gold, silver, bronze, black, and dark red


Grab a hunk of clay and mold it into the shape of a Persian man with folded arms. Let the clay dry for a few days.


Spray paint the entire statue gold (or paint it on with a brush). The next day, cover the head of the statue and the waist down. Tape the paper in place before you spray paint the chest silver. You don’t need to cover the statue if you are brushing it on by hand, which is what I did with the other colors. Use a brass-colored paint for the lower torso, and black paint for the legs. Then paint the feet a reddish clay color. Let that dry, and then dot it with black. The feet were supposed to be clay mixed with iron.

Your prophetic statue from Daniel is now complete, and you can use it to teach children about this prophecy given to King Nebuchadnezzar from the Babylonian Empire. Daniel interpreted the dream. All these prophecies came to pass, just as the Lord predicted through this dream.


Sign up below for a free printable e-book of this Bible crafts series!

If you enjoyed making this prophectic statue from Daniel, you will love Using Simple Costumes and Props to Teach the Bible. You receive this 2-hour video for free when you sign up for the Unit Study Treasure Vault, which has an enormous Bible section that you will love!

Daniel and the Lion’s Den

Friday, October 18th, 2013


When you teach the story of Daniel and the Lion’s Den to children, you can make this easy craft. You will need a coffee can, small plastic lions, and a Lego man. You will also need a hot glue gun and a strip of white cloth.

Plug in the hot glue gun. Open the coffee can and arrange the lions down in there. Grab the Lego man and the strip of white cloth (about an inch wide and 8 inches long), tying the cloth around the Lego man like a Bible-time tunic. Hot glue the end down. (If you don’t have a hot glue gun, you could sew the end of the cloth strip down on the back.) Now place your Daniel character into the lion’s den.

No, wait a minute! You need to throw the Daniel character into the lion’s den, telling the kids that evil men threw Daniel into the lions just because he was praying to God three times a day. Those evil men couldn’t find a single thing wrong with Daniel because he was a man of integrity, always doing what was right.

The lions did not eat Daniel. An angel of the Lord shut their mouths, even though the lions were hungry. The next morning King Darius asked Daniel if he was okay, and King Darius was overjoyed to find out that God had saved Daniel from death. He took Daniel out of the pit and threw the evil men into it, and the ravenous lions ate them all.

So I suppose you could throw more Lego men into the bucket, then slam the lid down, and shake the bucket. I know… gruesome, huh? But these men conspired to murder an innocent man, so what goes around comes around. God controls the universe, not man.

Sign up below for a free printable e-book of this Bible crafts series!

If you enjoyed this “Daniel and the Lion’s Den” Bible story, you will love Using Simple Costumes and Props to Teach the Bible. You receive this 2-hour video for free when you sign up for the Unit Study Treasure Vault, which has an enormous Bible section that you will love!