Posts Tagged ‘Valentines Day’

How to Decorate a Heart Shaped Box

Thursday, February 13th, 2014


If you’re wondering how to decorate a heart shaped box, I’m here to tell you that it’s quite easy. Buy an inexpensive cardboard heart shaped box at any craft supply store during the month of February, when heart shaped crafts abound in profusion, almost to the point of nausea.

how-to-decorate-a-heart-shaped-box-2Make sure you have pink paint, fake jewels, and heart stickers. You can also use pink feathers, tissue paper, ribbon, or any other pink craft embellishments.

Paint the box pink inside and out, and let it dry overnight. If the box is for a man, paint it red, because pink is a girl color and is awfully sissy for a man.

If you’re in a hurry to give the heart shaped box to the love of your life, and you have no time to let it dry overnight, grab a hair dryer and dry the paint. Don’t hold the hair dryer too close to the box, or you might set it on fire.

If you are a sensible person, you will let the paint dry overnight like I told you in the first place. The next day you can wake up bright and cheerful, have a nice cup of coffee, and proceed with decorating your heart shaped box.

how-to-decorate-a-heart-shaped-box-3Glue fake plastic jewels all the way around the edges of the top of the box. Use jewels that match the box. If you are using a pink box, use pink, white, and lavender jewels. Don’t use green and blue jewels on a light pink box, or it will look ugly.

Conversely, if you have a red box, use complimentary colors that don’t clash.

Glue ribbon around the rim of the lid, on the side of the lid. This will dress up the box. I didn’t think about this until after my daughter sent this box in the mail, so it was too late for us. But ribbon would really add some extra embellishment that would look awfully nice, like you went the extra mile.

My daughter filled this heart shaped box for her aunt (my sister), whom she loves very much. My daughter is constantly writing letters to her aunt, and she sometimes seals the envelope before I even know what’s in it. I know, she might be saying incriminating things, like the time I accidentally left her at the park. I had three kids in the car instead of four. Honestly, how come none of her three brothers told me she was missing? I mean, whose fault was that anyway? Ahem. Less than five minutes transpired before we realized that we were short by one child, and my husband went back to the park to get her. Sad, but true. These overworked homeschooling parents need a vacation. Go ahead and buy our products so that we can go on a much-needed vacation and avoid such mis-haps in the future.

Back to how to decorate a heart-shaped box: make sure to fill it with goodies. We baked home-made chocolate chip cookies, but you can fill it with chocolates or other fun stocking stuffers that you would put into the stocking of your loved one at Christmas time.

Then send it to your loved one, or hand it to them in person, saying, “I love you!” Hopefully they will not throw it on the ground and stomp on it. No… Hopefully they will open it and be delighted at your kindness and love, rewarding you with a big hug.

Worst Valentines Day Gifts (Top 10)

Thursday, February 9th, 2012


These are the top 10 worst Valentines Day gifts ever:

  1. Droopy, wilted flowers.
  2. A cage of mice infected with the Bubonic plague.
  3. Jumbo pack of breath spray.
  4. Formaldehyde.
  5. Live spiders.
  6. Raw, moldy steak with stale cake.
  7. A punch in the face.
  8. A pet snake with venom.
  9. A Dear John Valentines Day card.
  10. A bathroom scale.

Expectations Cause Disappointment

Monday, February 7th, 2011

expectations-cause-disappointmentOn Valentines Day, men are pressured to get flowers that wilt, chocolate that makes you fat, or diamonds that you can’t afford. Men are put in a stressful situation by their wives, who pressure their men to be romantic (read sappy and girly). Plus, they have to be creative and do something they’ve never done before, and they need to top what they did last year. What an unkind thing for women to do to their men. I say, let’s abolish Valentines Day, for the sake of our men.

Many unhappy married women that I know are deeply disappointed in their husbands. They think their husbands are lame because they don’t think like a girl, and they lack respect for their men. There is no way for the man to do anything right when they’re in this position. (By the way, you are not immune to your marriage being destroyed just because you’re a Christian and you homeschool. Far from it; Satan will attack you more, so you need to work harder on your marriage, not take it for granted. I feel so strongly about this because I have wept over destroyed marriages from dear friends of mine who never thought it would happen to them.)

Most women think they deserve gifts. Nobody deserves anything. Until women realize that they have a man who loves them, they should realize that they already have everything they ever wanted. Love. That’s it. If you have it, be done. Be content. Stop expecting things. If you expect too much from your husband, you will always be disappointed.

Let go of Valentines Day. Instead, be a help meet to your husband. Give him what he wants. Don’t think of yourself at all. This is the way to find true joy, and to have a man that actually cherishes you.

Pipe Cleaners Gone Wild

Friday, February 4th, 2011


“Why don’t we make some fun pipe cleaner crafts?” I thought to myself, since my daughter pesters me every day to do crafts. If I do a craft with her, she says, “But I want to do lots of crafts.”

Glancing around the local craft supply store, through the mountains of pink, red, and white stuff for Valentines Day, I found a package of pipe cleaners, pom poms, and google eyes. I grabbed it and went to the checkout.

A couple of my kids made caterpillars, which they stuck together with hot glue, with my help. But my 10-year-old son went into the dining room and was quiet for a while. I got a surprise and a shock when I saw what he had made with the pipe cleaners. It was an old-fashioned car!


He had apparently wound the pipe cleaners together until they formed the figure that he was imagining in his head. This was a way more interesting and intricate pipe cleaner craft than anything I imagined when I bought the pipe cleaners at the craft store. It opens up a whole new world of things we could make with pipe cleaners…