You Know You’re the Mother of Boys When…


You know you’re the mother of boys when…

…the noise pollution in your house exceeds the volume of the thoughts in your head.

…on the way to the kitchen to make dinner, you get hit with a nerf dart.

…you can’t find one of your boys in a tangle of arms and legs on the living room floor.

…their conversation about electronics goes over your head.

…they make silly faces to cheer someone up.

…you accidentally step on Legos in the middle of the night.

…the first thing they do when they get out of the car is run.

…you catch your boy red-handed, and he doesn’t deny that he did it.

…your kids would rather climb trees than stay in the house.

…every stick in the forest becomes a weapon.

…you read a great work of literature, and half your kids are standing on their heads.

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6 Responses to “You Know You’re the Mother of Boys When…”

  1. Malea says:

    Oy! The nerf darts and Legos in the middle of the night! LOL! I know those all too well!

  2. Anna-Marie says:

    Yep I got one of them kind of Boy:) IT is the noise that I can’t get my head around. I thought my girl would be louder but nope it is my son:)

  3. lol I love it! I’m just noticing how meal times for my boy are a series of plane and train crashes with his food!

  4. LOL I love it! You are so right! We have two boys of our own…Josh, 8 and Michael, 3. I must add to your list the following:

    You know you are the mother of boys when you get home from Aldi’s and the boxes, which had carried in the groceries, are suddenly empty and filled with two boys tumbling out of them as as they race right by your feet in the dining room…which has become the Indianapolis 500!!!

    I love my boys!!! 😀

    Thanks for the giggle this morning!

  5. Haha! That sounds just right! I just stepped on a lego the other night! And both my boys love to wrestle. 🙂

  6. Angela Chavez says:

    As the mother of four boys, I really related to your post. My boys are mostly grown now….22, 18 and 13 year old twins. I remember those days well, thank you for the memories. 🙂

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