Daniel and the Lion’s Den


When you teach the story of Daniel and the Lion’s Den to children, you can make this easy craft. You will need a coffee can, small plastic lions, and a Lego man. You will also need a hot glue gun and a strip of white cloth.

Plug in the hot glue gun. Open the coffee can and arrange the lions down in there. Grab the Lego man and the strip of white cloth (about an inch wide and 8 inches long), tying the cloth around the Lego man like a Bible-time tunic. Hot glue the end down. (If you don’t have a hot glue gun, you could sew the end of the cloth strip down on the back.) Now place your Daniel character into the lion’s den.

No, wait a minute! You need to throw the Daniel character into the lion’s den, telling the kids that evil men threw Daniel into the lions just because he was praying to God three times a day. Those evil men couldn’t find a single thing wrong with Daniel because he was a man of integrity, always doing what was right.

The lions did not eat Daniel. An angel of the Lord shut their mouths, even though the lions were hungry. The next morning King Darius asked Daniel if he was okay, and King Darius was overjoyed to find out that God had saved Daniel from death. He took Daniel out of the pit and threw the evil men into it, and the ravenous lions ate them all.

So I suppose you could throw more Lego men into the bucket, then slam the lid down, and shake the bucket. I know… gruesome, huh? But these men conspired to murder an innocent man, so what goes around comes around. God controls the universe, not man.

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4 Responses to “Daniel and the Lion’s Den”

  1. Tania says:

    I love the way you can creatively tell the story appealing to the kids. Yeah for the plastic lego Daniel. Just like star wars – may the force be with you.

  2. This is awesome. Your story to children about Daniel and the Lion’s Den was great! It was right to their Lego level! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Great post! I remember my sunday school teachers do something similar to teach us this story. It was impactful (obviously) since I still remember.

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